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By Laurie Notch

GENRE: Historical, Fantasy

Madaya ("beautiful" in Berber), an abused, young, North-African woman, becomes possessed by Medusa to deliver justice in a tyrannical, fascist future where the ancient gods are summoned by an evil, elite, ruling kabal to extinguish her. Medaya as Medusa must face the all-mighty Athena and resurrected Perseus sent to slay the Gorgon again in an action-packed battle of superpowers. 


Did you know the name Medusa means “guardian and protectress”? How was the beautiful woman as described by Ovid rendered so villainous and hideous in legend because she was raped by Poseidon? Or is the legend even true? In other versions of the tale, Medusa and the god of the sea were in love, yet Medusa was severely punished by Athena to live a life of ugliness and isolation. In this contemporary tale, Medusa becomes the champion of the #MeToo movement in a near-future world where women suffer humiliation and degradation by men and women in power within a fascist patriarchy.

Medusa, Superhero is the premise. Like all superheroes, she must try to live an ordinary life with an ordinary identity, namely that of the young woman, Madaya, whom she transforms to mete out justice for women. Madaya lives in humble fashion doing menial work in a North African city run by broken-down American soft culture in the new world order of rich oligarchs and impoverished citizens. Women and the socially undesirable are at the bottom of the heap. Madaya as Medusa guards and protects the helpless. She struggles with her curse and the trauma of her beheading by Perseus and the loss of the son she was carrying. She must weigh her millennia-old rage against her desire for love and fight her old enemies out to destroy her once more in a world rife with cruel exploitation and injustice.

Social Justice in a punishing patriarchy is the crusade, requiring the resurrection of her Gorgon sisters and her son Chrysaor, the Golden Warrior, who was born at the moment of her death. Athena is summoned by a occultist Trumpian leader who summons Athena who resurrects Perseus and other ancient deities in a battle royale reenactment of Medusa’s past trauma set in post-modern times. The gods unleash all their powers from heir glory days. Poseidon comes to Medusa’s aid where she must work through their painful relationship. In the end, Perseus turns against Athena. Madaya realizes her own powers as a woman and rises to become a world leader as Medusa and the old deities return to the ruins that entomb and memorialize them. Medusa’s vile reputation as written by men is cancelled with her true story told.

Nathaniel Baker

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Robert Sacchi

I like the premise.

Robert Sacchi

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