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By Tyree Cobbins

GENRE: Fantasy, Adventure

Isiah, a wizard returns to the magical world of Esteria Bay when his bestfriend, an expert in magical artifacts is the latest person to go missing and discovers that in order to find them, he has to go through two Gods with an evil plot that puts Esteria Bay in danger.


I'm calling it The Mystic Titan, and it's a limited series set in early 199's Brooklyn, NY (note: Brooklyn era akin to Crooklyn and Do The Right Thing, not gentrified like it is today). The big city, urban community is bewitched when a local man goes missing who was well liked amongst people, Antwone Davis. His son comes up saying his father was taken by monsters.

We follow Isiah Fox as he is picked up by his cousin Ebony and the most noble honeybee Amari. Isiah returns to his hometown even though most don't want him there. He's often paying for the crimes of his father that were committed when he was a little kid, some even before he was born. After more digging Isiah learns that Antwone recently came across information about Pandoras Box and how to locate it-the box of ancient mythology that holds centuries worth of evil and darkness from across the realms.

Someone is clearly trying to finish Denzel's past evil work. Antwones disappearance is only the start of this epic adventure as Isiah discovers magical spells, defends us from evil and works to accept his truth. His identity as a wizard. And not let history repeat itself the way his father fell into dark magic. Think Batman Returns and 2008's Merlin series crossed with a vintage Spike Lee joint and you've got it.

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