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After people disappear in a mine, a disgraced, desperate journalist investigates the disappearances to save her career, finding out one of the missing people is her grandfather.
Set in the 1980's and based in Hucknall Tokard in the United Kingdom, a miners town. Sarah a journalist has been reported to investigate a new report, miners has been gone missing from the local mines everyday. This will be her last investigation before she get's fired from her job after past failures. If she doesn't get a good report her career is over.
While her anxiety get's in the way of investigating the report, she goes to her father for support and he tells her how and why her grandfather wanted to work for the mines. As she get's back to the office a note was left on her table with some pictures, one of the missing miners is her grandfather. Her emotions are vital and begins to get in the way, after she has gained her confidance to investigate things begin to get hectic.
Her grandfather Jackson has now been transported to the future (2021). Without knowing this he is arrested for tresspassing from the police and the FBI begin to investigate him. After the FBI cannot find any details on Jackson they have to look up his family tree, when this happens this take a darker turn. Jackson tries to escape to go back to his time, but he falls in love with a stranger, thus making things awakward for Sarah when she arrives in 2021 to save her family and bring back her grandfather.
The script will come later, once I have finished it :)
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I like the concept, Michael Keeling. I think the logline needs work. How about: "After people disappear in a mine, a disgraced, desperate journalist investigates the disappearances to save her career, finding out one of the missing people is her grandfather."
Also, do all of the people go missing at the same time, or do they go missing at separate times?
Maurice Vaughan They disappear at different times. Thank you :) yeah I will work on the logline :)
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You're welcome, Michael Keeling.
I would add to the logline that the story takes place in an alternate universe.
There is a part in the synopsis that says "Jackson tries to escape to go back to his time, but he falls in love with a stranger, thus making things awakward for Sarah when she arrives in 2021 to save her family and bring back her grandfather."
Does Sarah have three goals? #1) Investigate the disappearances #2) Save her family and #3) Bring back her grandfather
How will she save her family?
Depending on the importance of goals #2-#3, I would include them in the logline. It would give the logline a hook. I would be careful, however, not to make the logline too long.
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Sounds like a super interesting premise!