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A sex therapist and her ex-husband run a successful sex-toy party company. On the verge of a successful sale of their company, they struggle to reconcile the discomfort with their business, and their boring sex lives.
Dr. Phoebe is a blogger and psychologist who focuses on sexual problems. She and her ex-husband have a successful adult-toy party company. They are set to sell the company for a ton of money, but Phoebe is confused and conflicted. She has never really made peace with how much her now ex husband Brian David Kelly (BDK) has done for her.
I don't claim to be an expert with loglines, but I think it needs to be shorter and loglines usually don't use names. It's an interesting story. Who's the it their weird sex lives? What are the protagonists' main goal, is it to have a normal sex life, but can't stop being drawn to the weird stuff? I found that when you get answers to your questions, then you get your logline. Very unique story!
great feedback- thanks!
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A sex therapist and her ex-husband verge on the successful sale of their company, while struggling to reconcile their own boring sex lives. - Just a suggestion.