While trying to find a missing college student, two detectives discover an underground ring of killers hunting on the streets of Phoenix, leading the detectives to witness the most sinister side of grief.
Hi, Madison. I think the logline needs a clear goal. How about this for a logline:
"After a college student goes missing, two detectives discover an underground ring of killers hunting on the streets of Phoenix, and they try to stop the ring."
I added a clear goal (stop the ring) for the detectives.
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Hi, Madison. I think the logline needs a clear goal. How about this for a logline:
"After a college student goes missing, two detectives discover an underground ring of killers hunting on the streets of Phoenix, and they try to stop the ring."
I added a clear goal (stop the ring) for the detectives.
Killer tittle! Logline needs work.
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