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By Ron Brassfield

GENRE: Action, Drama, Horror
LOGLINE: A rural priest, under suspicion of being the murderous, night-stalking beast ravaging his village flock, must choose to become one to halt a ritual that would make his rival into an anti-Christ.


Father Damen Constantine's ancient, Templar-built chapel is the target of three clerics from the Vatican visiting the isle of Cyprus on a mission of study and diplomacy. But soon after their much-resented arrival, the Greek Orthodox priest is plagued by desire for a female stranger wandering the vicinity and by dreams of his transformation into a ravenous beast. Awakening in strange circumstances to learn of death by werewolf claiming his villagers, he is plagued by fears and guilt as the visiting Romans gather his flock to themselves, circling ever closer to finding a sacred power object entrusted to him that could enable their leader to gain power over the whole world.

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