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By Dr. Randall Maxwell

GENRE: Drama
LOGLINE: We all have our own little set of demons to contend with. Some however, their demons completely possess them as in Rachels case until she happens to run across a true follower of Christ so filled with the Holy Spirit she is able to find deliverance and transformation in her life.


Act I RACHEL (30) has been living in Canada over the last 12 years escaped from her family through a youth counselor she met on a mission trip at Teen Missions. Rachel is demon possessed and she knows it, and now that she has turned 30 she is afraid these demons which have controlled her since she was a teen will always have control over her. She has also turned to drugs and alcohol to kill her many pains and is afraid if the demons dont kill her, the drugs or alcohol will. It is time for a change, but she has tried everything she knows to do, even delivery services at several churches only to be even more frightened and with no delivery. She comes across the pastor, PASTOR KRISTIAN (45) who runs retreats all over the US dealing with all kinds of life perils in a social network online who convinces her God can deliver her and totally transform her life if she is ready. She must come to his retreat in Nashville Tennessee in order to receive this recovery. Though she feels that this man truly has the love of Christ living through him, her demons keep telling her he is a fraud. Regardless she sets out for Nashville. Act II Pastor Kristian makes arrangements for Rachel to travel to Nashville. Upon arrival Rachel finds out that Pastor Kris is between semesters at his school and has closed down the Nashville Retreat for the summer and that his plans are for her to travel to other retreats with him over the summer. During their first part of their journey, their trip to part of the ministrys missions in California Pastor Kris meets some of Rachels demons. (Progressive complications)Upon confronting the demons, they convince Rachel she is better off returning to Canada, so she does, after making arrangements with her aunt to fly her back. Upon returning to Canada Rachel realizes she is helpless, and calls Pastor Kris and asks if she can meet him as he drives back to Tennessee through Texas. He agrees. On the trip back to Tennessee Pastor Kris had several, what he called Spiritual revival retreats planned along the way. It was during these retreats that Rachel becomes much more comfortable with Pastor Kris and begins sharing her life story with him. On one such retreat we witness flashbacks from her early childhood where her father has prostituted her out to a deacon friend he owed a favor to. On other retreats there are also attempts to drive out the demons. Upon arrival back to the Nashville retreat Pastor Kris opens back up the retreat for clients and Rachel actually really begins the program of recovery then. During counseling sessions there are more flashbacks of Rachels childhood and teen years with her family. It is revealed through these sessions that her father raped her repeatedly growing up, as well as her step father. As we have already witnessed through other flashbacks her father was also involved in witchcraft. As a part of the rituals she was forced to have sex with the master witches in order to become their property as well as blood transfusions. It becomes apparent that this is the source of the demons. This is why she became a cutter, thinking if she were to cut herself she could drain the bad blood out. Act III We have witnessed throughout Rachel getting off the drugs and alcohol and have begun to see how she was indeed created by God for a specific purpose within His Kingdom. Pastor Kris thinks he has driven all the demons out, and she finally graduates the recovery program and Rachel feels lead that her calling in life is to help others coming from similar backgrounds. About two weeks into the missions own seminary which trains their chaplains to run their retreats around the world, another demon comes to surface and convinces Rachel this is crap, that she was never meant for ministry, and that she still has all the bad blood, she will never make it. She grabs a razor blade and slices her arm. Pastor finds her in bath room blood gushing. He has her admitted to psyc. hospital. While in the hospital, this is where the battle of good and evil takes place. Here Rachel witnesses her Lord with His angels fighting with the demons over her soul. Here the Lord conquers and Rachel is healed. She graduates from seminary and is today leading one of Pastors Kris retreats for battered and abused young women.

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