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By Michael Buhlman

GENRE: Independent

Devastated by the unexpected death of his Dad, a high school loser gets back at the world when he tries to ruin the life of the school psychopath--a very scary girl with a secret issue of her own. She’s decided he’s going to be her very first friend…or else.


Devastated by the shocking death of his father, high school loser BILLY CASPER worries his very depressed mother, JUNE, most of his teachers, and his two socially misfit friends with his constantly angry, overwhelmed, and lethargic attitude.

When the scariest rage-monster anyone has ever known, PRUDENCE “FREAKY” FARPELIA, unexpectedly returns to school after a two-year stint in Juvenile Detention—an absence that everyone believed was permanent—Billy’s emotionally battered brain snaps. As one of Prudence’s previous unprovoked victims six years prior, enraged Billy wants Prudence gone at any cost.

And with the inspiration and sudden new attention from his super-crush and Prudence’s very first victim, popular cheerleader ANJELICA AYERS, Billy sets off on a mission to provoke “The Freak” into doing the one thing everyone knows she’s forbidden to do--ATTACK AGAIN.

Prudence’s probation from her lengthy incarceration forced her to psychologically deal with her issues, especially how to identify her out-of-the-blue rage triggers. And now she has to prove that she can be “normal” by not only behaving but actually making friends—required to befriend three legit ones by the end of the quarter.

So when School Guidance Counselor and secret ward to Prudence, DEBI BALYN, urges Billy and Prudence to be dance partners for the upcoming ballroom dance unit in P.E. believing “it will be good for them,” a surprisingly eager Billy sees it as a daily opportunity to provoke. The problem is in her own macabre way, Prudence turns each of Billy’s provocations into odd acts of friendship.

After all, this is the only kid in school who talks to her. Therefore her best and only shot at a friend!

Realizing that he needs to dig deeper to find a weakness, Billy goes along with the friendship thing, first inviting Prudence to hang out with him in school, and then also outside of school. And all the while, no one bothers to notice that each morning in P.E. they are genuinely excellent dance partners.

While Anjelica and the other former victims start plotting a “Carrie-esque” demise for Prudence, reality blows up in Billy’s face. Prudence admits that while imprisoned she finally realized that the anger issues she’s had for well over a decade came after her emotionally and physically abusive mother abandoned her when she was a little girl. And when Billy shares his oddball envy that Prudence can at least still go out and find her mother, Prudence turns everything on its ear.

She sees issues within Billy that she fears might be leading him down a similar “rabbit hole” of angrily lashing out at the world. And much to Billy’s horror, for the very first time since his Dad died, he’s suddenly found someone he’s met who actually comprehends his confusion and grief.

With the wheels in motion for Prudence’s demise, Billy struggles to remain on point. Does he really want Prudence gone? Or has he found the one person in his life that “gets” him? Solace and a solution happens on the dance floor as Billy and Prudence put on a display of skills that both amaze and baffle the rest of the student body. Billy decides he won’t allow himself to be a pawn in the plan to get Prudence expelled. And she may have genuinely found friend number one.

So now, with the help of Billy and the bewilderment of other peers and previous victims, it’s onto making two more!

Tasha Lewis

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Donnalyn Vojta

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Donnalyn Vojta

Other than it being a little too long, I like it! Sounds unique. I'm intrigued.

Nate Rymer

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