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By Bin Userkaf

GENRE: Fantasy, Drama
LOGLINE: After her risky attempt at overthrowing a dictatorial Queen goes wrong, a headstrong teenage girl leads her friends to a foreign city which opens them up to the tumults of romance, teenage drama, and the Queen's wrath.


At 17, everything feels like the end of the world - but in Aurora Harris's case, her world is actually ending. Or it will end if she and her friends don't throw caution to the wind and stop the Queen from carrying out her deadly experiment, so that's exactly what they do. Through loss and sacrifice and unspoken bonds of trust, Aurora and her friends set out on the adventure of the ages and refuse to come back until they are sure the Queen's plan has been laid to rest. But things quickly get more complicated than they predicted. In their new home of Itchikan City-State, new friends enter the mix and so do foes who call into question everything Aurora thought she knew, stretching her at best; unraveling her at worst and if not for the new wounded boy Aurora allows into her very closed orbit, she will burn out before she gets to start her fire; the fire that will stop the Queen's nefarious plans. In this new world, alliances are breaking almost as quickly as they form and the Queen becomes one in a long list of new problems our characters have to deal with. In between the love triangles, the platonic break ups and the ultra-weird new authority they find themselves under, they search for fun in unlikely places; hushed moments with one another and the electric hubbub of swordfights. Along the way to their destinies, these teens learn what matters most in life and their solidarity in fighting for these things explodes out of their temporary safe haven, rippling out to the rest of the world.

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