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By Rodney Smith

GENRE: Horror, Action
LOGLINE: When trying to prove the existence of the most fable creature of our time, a group of men embark on a potentially life ending journey that changes them all. 


When Joe Walters and Jerry Graham decide to break their discovery of some mysterious tracks to the media, they are contacted by Robert Oliver and Donavon Edwards of Washington Bigfoot Research Organizatio, NM Branch. They talk Graham into taking them back to the sighting after they bribe him with seed money and a few other agreements. Oliver recruits an ex-military surveillance specialist, Brad Williams. Graham lies to his friends Walters stating that he is being sponsored by the University. What Graham doesn't know is Walters knows Oliver. They both have a past and not a good one. Joe in turn illicts the aid of his nephew Richard Lansing a forest ranger. Lansing, agrees to go along after his own encounter as well as getting over the death of his parents which weighs heavily on his heart. The crew is now set to embark on their journey. Each have their own motives, FAME, FORTUNE, SELF-DISCOVERY, and RECONNECTING with their faith.

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