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By Nathan Waire

GENRE: Fantasy, Crime

When a psychic female begins to have visions of grisly murders and the police think that she is responsible she enlists the help of two thugs to stop an even greater threat!


Morgan seems like an average woman, but she has extraordinary gifts. She can see through dreams and visions things that others wish they could forget and don't want exposed. One day she begins to see visions of murder and thinks that it is all because of one guy. She later finds out that he has a brother who is just as vicious but there is something amiss. The visions were trying to show her who to seek out in order to prevent an even worse threat from taking hold. When she finds out that the police don't believe her and even suspects her of the crimes; she takes it into her own hands to bring the true villain to justice and clear her name!

BTW - I created a Series Bible for this script and it is available upon request... Also, because of the Series Bible the show can be extended to an hour without ruining the premise of the series.

Nate Rymer

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Nathan Waire

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Tasha Lewis

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