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By Lisa Simpson (yes, Really)

GENRE: Thriller, Drama

Isabella Kent disappears without a trace after Savannah and Stormie’s bodies are found down by the creek, but her dark past soon catches up with her, and she takes justice into her own hands.

Finalizing Script for Pre-Production


Twenty-six year old Isabella Kent is rushed to Neurology Theatre 666 where Dr. Tanner is ready to perform surgery. She is five months pregnant and miscarrying.

Earlier that day, her husband had become overwhelmed about the pregnancy, having sworn that

he would never bring children into this world. Isabella returns from a grocery shop to find him

hanging from the rafters. With unexplained inhumane strength she manages to release the chain,

desperately trying to save him, resulting in a prominent ugly scar above her left eyebrow, forever a

reminder that on this day, she lost her husband and her twin daughters.

She starts a new life at The Convent of Sacred Hearts for Girls in Sydney. There she is known as

Sister Valerie. Resentment creeps in, however, at the injustice she was dealt, as well as her own

childhood trauma, which makes her vengeful, and Zara, Maisy, Libby, Alex, and Mia suffer, and

subsequently, die at her hands.

Over thirty years later, Mrs. Kent feels confident enough to start over again, at Cradle Mountain,

Northern Tasmania. This time she has good intentions of living an ‘honest’ life, always

remembering the picture her older sister Clara drew for her when she was only five-years old; A

black and blue butterfly with silver glitter around the wings, the word ‘Promise’ holding the butterfly

up. Unfortunately she does not uphold her promise to live an ‘honest’ life, as Savannah and

Stormie trigger her, and the quiet safe community of Cradle Mountain, Northern Tasmania is left

reeling in shock and fear after Hunter discovers his daughter’s bodies close to their black tyre

swing on the creek-bank of their property, known by all as the Sunshine Tribe Farmhouse.

Mrs. Kent, who resides at the neighboring property, Old Raven, was babysitting at the time, and

she disappears without a trace. Even the family dog, Sally, is found dead, lying with her head on

Savannah’s chest. Hunter and India are forever changed when their close-knit family is torn apart,

and finally when they cannot come to terms with losing their daughter’s, they take their own lives

in the farmhouse.

Twin sisters, Rachel and Jessica, leave smog-filled Sydney on a quest to heal their hearts after

the life they've always known unravels in a split-second. They buy the old Sunshine Tribe

Farmhouse that has been vacant for three months. Their decision to leave Sydney is finalized

after Robynne loses a brave fight with cancer. Rachel and Jessica learn that Robynne, who they

thought was their mother, was actually their aunt. Robynne’s younger sister Jolie, was, in actual

fact, their biological mother, but after they were born, Jolie suffered chronic postpartum

depression. Robynne helped her little sister every day, but when she arrived one morning she

found Jolie dead on the kitchen floor, having overdosed, and the newborns wailing.

Rachel and Savannah are ecstatic about their new life in Cradle Mountain, but they soon discover

that the farmhouse they bought, holds deadly secrets of its own. Five-year old Stormie brings

messages to Jessica from the ethereal realm, ultimately seeking justice for all the Forgotten

Children; The children who were murdered...The children who were silenced...The children who

lost their voice.

The twin sister’s start investigating Savannah and Stormie’s murders, which lead them to news

reporter, Farrah Markham, where truths about Mrs. Kent and the convent children murders are


When Prairie and Bethany’s bodies are found on the banks of the Lachlan river, Mrs. Kent realises

that neurology surgeon Dr. Tanner abused his power, and that her and her absent mother Estelle,

were victims of mind control.

Mrs. Kent deliberately returns to London to Neurology Theatre 666 where Dr. Tanner is ready with

a scalpel in-hand.

Dr. Tanner hears whispers of his victims' names, and he knows that it is too late when he sees the

prominent ugly scar above his patient’s left eyebrow. Justice is served, as Mrs. Kent grabs the

scalpel and slits the surgeon’s throat. The last thing he hears are Mrs. Kent’s words…"Dr.

Tanner...God was watching as Angels cried!", and then the darkness turns darker.

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