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By James Tichenor

GENRE: Action, Adventure

A go-it-alone animal rights activist hot on the trail of tiger poachers must back up the lead of his multi-talented female partner when their pursuit of the animal trafficking reveals a far darker trade that threatens them both. Inspired by the medieval romance, Erec and Enide


Tigers are captured in a Malaysian forest. Meanwhile in New York’s Chinatown ERIC “RICK” STEWART, a wealthy wildlife conservation journalist looks for tiger sellers despite being warned about triads. He meets FRANK MCGRATH and ENID TROIANO, tiger rescue educators. Rick wants Enid to join him since she speaks Chinese and knows how tigers are smuggled by a mysterious Chuong and a triad. In Malaysia the sedated tigers are moved by truck and ship. Meanwhile, in San Francisco Enid joins Rick and his photographer CLYDE. When they catch a Malaysian sailor selling tiger parts Rick blurts out Enid’s intel. His life is threatened. Despite his misgivings about having Enid in the field and the threats they head out to the Philippines together.

In Manila Rick gets police to intercept the freighter with the tigers but only finds a clue leading to a remote island. They sail to it and are attacked by pirates. After a running gunfight they escape, realizing it was a trap. They return empty-handed to San Francisco. Rick has failed to save the tigers and Enid dislikes his arrogant methods. They are breaking up but Clyde discovers how Chuong and his triad smuggled the tigers into the U.S. so Enid joins a last mission to Alabama. McGrath calls to warn her the triad is after them. Local kids show them lions at a farm which they suspect has the tigers too. They are captured by Chuong’s henchmen.

CHUONG is an Englishman farming tigers to take over the medicinal tiger parts trade who wants Rick to help him by investigating his competitors. Rick realizes ruthless Chuong will hold Enid hostage so he agrees but Chuong doubts him. He throws Clyde in with lions which Clyde evades. Thinking Clyde dead, Rick escapes and sets the tigers loose. They kill Chuong. Fighting one tiger Rick chooses to kill it rather than let it kill one of the thugs. Rick is mauled by the other but saves a local kid who has returned. Police get things under control. They discover the tigers were a front for trafficking women. One tiger is rescued. In the aftermath Rick decides to redirect his work to rescuing trafficked women. Then Enid is contacted by a terrified McGrath who has fled to San Francisco to hide. They run. She tells Rick by text. Rick realizes McGrath was Chuong’s silent partner. They catch them at an anchored cabin cruiser. McGrath intends to traffic Enid to Mexico. Rick rescues Enid but McGrath surprises Rick with a flare gun. Rick goes after him. The flare ignites the boat. Rick escapes but McGrath dies. Later at Rick’s sailboat Clyde convinces Enid that Rick’s character has changed. Realizing she loves him, she joins Rick and they sail off.


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