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By Brayden Palmer

GENRE: Thriller, Mystery

When a group of delinquents inadvertently unleash a malevolent spirit, they must unearth its intentions and find a path to survival. If that path even exists.


Delinquents Maverick, Linus, and Rosa thought it was going to be an easy job. Go to the desert, retrieve the chest, and obtain the relic within. What they didn't expect was to find the chest empty... or at least that's what it seems to be at face value. Something has been released, the name "Imogen" is uttered, and one of the members is dead. Left with no other options, the survivors seek help from the spiritually attuned. They must find out who this Imogen is, why they are being targeted, and, if possible, find a way to stop her before it's too late. Imogen demands blood, and she will have it. However, she might not be the only one.

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