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After being abandoned by his high-ranking gangster father, a malcontent criminal is released from prison and becomes embroiled in a web of lust, deceit, and murder for hire.
We open on MARY, a young woman in the throes of giving birth to a baby boy. We then see RORY, an affable fellow, getting out of his car in the hospital parking lot and heading over to another parked car, where he meets with MR. GOLD, a cold-hearted Jewish gangster. Mr. Gold gives Rory a gun and tells him how his wife Mary betrayed him with another man, producing this bastard son who he refuses to see as his own. Visible on Mr. Gold's finger is a gleaming ring -- the ring of chai. We flashback to a JEWELER, selling the ring to an unknown person, who tells them the ring contained a holy inscription symbolic of faith. Gold then tells Rory to look in the back seat, where he sees the sleeping baby boy. Gold wants Rory to look after the child, and it's clear that Mary is no longer in the picture. Rory decides to name the baby CONNER.
Twenty-some years later, Conner has become a gangster who's serving time behind bars. He's released and is picked by a LACKEY, who then drops him off at a posh apartment building. We intercut this with EVE, a wealthy, beautiful socialite, entering that same apartment building. When she gets to her en suite, she notices a message written on the mirror "Time's up." She turns to find Conner behind her. He grabs her throat and it looks like he's going to attack her, but then they start to kiss hungrily. They were obviously an item at one point. After having sex, Eve asks Conner about the cash from a heist he and his fellow Irish gangsters once pulled. He tells her he's hid it. An older Rory meets with VITO, an Italian mafia don. Rory asks Vito for help with his nephew PAUL, who keeps trying to shake him down. Vito asks why and Rory explains that it's reprisal for an armed robbery that occurred at Paul's casino.
We enter a flashback, wherein we hear that Paul set up a meeting between Italian gangsters and the Jewish syndicate. However, in conjunction with the Jews, a group of Irish YOBS knock the place over for plenty of cash, then flee. They're stopped by a police car as they drive away, but it's just for a busted tail light. Nevertheless, the impulsive Yobs start trouble and, before long, things escalate into a shootout in which they're all killed. The POLICE OFFICERS then steal their pilfered cash for themselves. Vito has learned the Jews planned the robbery. He tells Rory that he'll get Paul to lessen Vito's debt to him. Vito criticises Rory for being willing to deal with Jews and black people. Rory goes to leave, only to abruptly snap Vito's neck, killing him instantly. As Rory walks out, Vito's wife PATRICIA sees him and waves, growing irritated when he ignores her. She's then horrified to discover her husband's body.
We then are introduced to CARL, a drug dealer, who returns to his apartment to find MURPHY and AL, two detectives waiting for him there. Al threatens Carl with exposing the location of his sister, who's gone on the run abroad. They want access to Carl's boss, JAMESON, leaving him to mull over their proposition. Rory is at a TAILOR's shop, getting fitted for a suit in advance of his wedding anniversary, when he receives a call from Al, who tells him that he's learned about a massive shipment of cocaine from Carl. Al, who's corrupt, offers to sell the blow to Rory, who says he'll consider it. At Vito's funeral, his Patricia tells Paul that she saw Rory leaving the home just before discovering Vito's corpse, pegging him for the murder.
At a nightclub, we meet SEAN, the harried owner, who's on the phone with his wife. Their
relationship is troubled and sexless, much to his chagrin. Rory enters and tells Sean about the cocaine deal, ordering him to get the gang together. Meanwhile, KILLIAN, a big-shot casino owner and the overseer of the Irish mob, has an errant GAMBLER hauled into his office and has him roughed up. Just then, the POLICE COMMISSIONER enters and warns Killian that Paul thinks one of his people is responsible for Vito's murder. Killian gives the Commissioner a large payout for his silence and also threatens his family. TROY a muscular goon, gets called in by Sean for a meeting at Killian's casino with the others. They're asked to help collect cash to make the big coke purchase. The following day, Killian goes to meet with his fiance CRYSTAL, a lawyer, at her firm's offices. Killian tells her he wants to raise equity against her firm to buy and flip properties, but Crystal is less than enthused. Eve goes to see Conner at his apartment, where she tells him she already has a man and is conflicted about seeing him. Conner tells her about the drug transaction and his need for money. She says she'll put Conner in touch with HASS, a wealthy financier friend of hers, provided he agree to settle down with her. hey head over to Hass' office, where the slick yuppie greets Conner coldly and takes him to see Mr. Gold. Conner asks Gold for a loan and they discuss how Conner never knew his father or mother -- with neither party aware of the palpable irony. Gold eventually agrees to stake half of the amount Conner's asking for.
Rory assembles the gang and briefs them on the plan: in two days, the members will assemble at his home with their shares. Troy will be driven to Boston to drop the money off with Al. We now realise that Sean's wife is none other than Eve, who asks to borrow his safe key. On the drive back, Rory asks Conner about his relations with Eve, warning him that their connection complicates matters. MICKEY, a petty criminal, shows up to Sean's club to sell him an emerald necklace. A POLE DANCER spots it and is entranced. Sean has sex with the dancer, then rudely walks out on her, keeping the necklace. Conner sends Eve roses as a romantic gesture, but Sean shows up to give her the necklace. He gets piqued upon seeing the roses, then slaps Rose when she turns down his advances. Sean then forces himself on her.
Killian again bids Crystal to raise money against her law practice for the sake of extra capital. Conner is paid a visit by some goons sent by Gold, who give him cash in a duffel bag, but he's still short. He calls a friend named BENNY and asks him to plant a kilo of coke in the car of his associate, MAYOR DAVIES, as a frame up. Using JASMINE, a trans hooker, they blackmail the mayor. He agrees to give Conner money in exchange for Jasmine taking the fall for the cocaine possession, which she agrees to in order to get gender re-assignment surgery. Conner then goes to Rory and tells him he's going to Mexico. He drives to Boston and books a hotel room, then flies from there to Cancun, where he meets up with SANTOS, a narco buddy, and his partner DIEGO.
Santos and Diego want Conner to come with them to pick up a batch, but he ducks them and heads back to the airport. Rory and the crew wait around anxiously as Killian finally shows up with his portion of the money. Killian says he has to go meet up with the Commissioner, so Rory is to accompany Troy to Times Square. On the way, they stop by the hospital to visit Troy's ailing mother ROSE, who has dementia. We see that Troy has a connection with Rose's nurse AMELIA. Back in New York, Conner steals a limo wearing a phony disguise, then picks up Troy. Meanwhile, we meet SHIFTY and SHINEY, two bums. Shiney is schizophrenic and rambles about the state of the world and the voices he hears. We learn that Shiney was in prison with Conner and knows of his suffering. Rory visits his wife's grave and breaks down. In the limo, Conner slams on the breaks as a deer charges in front of his car, causing Troy to hit his head on the partition. Troy gets out to confront Conner when suddenly an oncoming vehicle plows into him, killing both Troy and the driver. Al waits for Troy to show up for the deal, but he never does. Conner makes off with
the money.
Conner heads back to Mexico where he meets with Diego and Santos again. They talk about the slings and arrows of living a life of sin. Rory then calls Conner to tell him about what happened, unaware that he's the perpetrator. Conner collects his money and returns to New York to meet with Rory, where he slips up and reveals information that only the hijacker would know. Rory pulls a pistol on Conner. As things get heated, Rory tells Conner the sad tale of how his wife, a cop, brought in a criminal named ALFONSO, who led her into a situation wherein the top gangster's jealous wife shot her dead. Conner mollifies Rory, only to double cross him and slash his throat. Just then, Killian and Sean arrive, prompting Conner to escape through the window, sneaking through the apartment of a LITTLE GIRL and her prostitute mother. Outside Rory's apartment, Killian and Sean bump into Paul's MUSCLE, who's also there to confront Rory. When they discover him dead, the Muscle goes to shoot them both, but Conner bursts back in and kills Muscle first. He then acts none the wiser about what happened to Rory.
They bury Rory and Conner stares at the ring of chai, which we hear in flashback from the Jeweller is a symbol of the "emanation of God." Al comes to visit Conner, who's on the phone with Eve and gets invited over. Al asks Conner for the address of Troy's mom's hospital, then heads off, spotting Eve on her way in. Al goes to visit Rose who with her Alzheimer's gives incorrect details which causes him to be suspicious of Amelia, thus interrogates her about Troy's whereabouts. When she denies any knowledge, he lures Amelia away, knocks her out and tortures her for the information. Crystal is furious with Killian upon learning he's mortgaged her practice. Sean takes Eve out to dinner with none other than Al and Conner. Al figures out that Conner's screwing Sean's wife behind his back and grows suspicious. On their way back, Al punches Conner and reveals that he turned up security footage placing him at Boston airport before Troy's murder. He beats him until Conner gives up the location of the money, then calls Sean and Killian, telling them both to meet up with him in an hour. But when Al gets back home to release Amelia, Amelia appears from her unconscious state and beats him to death as revenge with his own equipment which he used to torture her. Sean and Killian wait for the absent Al. Conner bursts in and again plays dumb.
Hass tracks down Eve and asks for the money back, then confesses his love for her and they kiss before having sex. Eve calls Conner and says she needs twenty grand for her friend Crystal. Mr. Gold, who now looks sickly, speaks on the phone with Paul, promising him his money back. Hass informs Gold that Conner may have run off on them. Killian's financial woes deepen and his BOUNCER quits on him after not being paid. Eve gives Crystal the money she needs to get their family out of debt. Killian arrives and looks over the money, only to find it's all counterfeit. Killian takes this to mean the money was from Sean and that he must be the traitor. He calls Conner and tells him that he mixed twenty grand of counterfeit money into the funds for the coke, so now that it's come back, he figures Sean stole it. But Killian's Bouncer betrays him to aul Luciano, who shows up at the club and shoots him dead. With all but Sean standing in Conner's way, will Conner manage to get away with the money and the Eve to start a lift afresh? With Paul Luciano tracking him and Sean, Mr Gold and his goons looking for Conner and Sean suspicious of Conner knowing it can only be one of the two of them -- will the grim karmic repercussions of the ring of chai catch up to Conner in the end -- to say he was 'right' to be 'wrong' -- when the story unfolds of the UNKNOWN FIGURE whom bought the ring is given the final teaching of chai from the Jeweller which pieces the puzzle of fate and infidelity?