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By Maria Brogna

GENRE: Comedy

A middle aged single mom and her priest bestie join her Italian American family for Easter dinner where overstepping boundaries and uneasy conversations create the terrain of dinner that leads to dark secrets and sinful desserts.


Myra, an Italian American single mother, who's best friend Carlos, a morally flexible Columbian American Priest, tries to keep her rekindled relationship with her college sweetheart Percival secret from her family while at her grandmother’s house for Easter Dinner. Her 16 year old son, Amadeus knows his mother is a private person, but Carlos (Father Benedict) thinks this is a destructive pattern Myra has cycled in for decades. Carlos texts Percival from Myra’s phone and invites him to her grandmother, Aldea Cataldi’s, for dinner. Scarlett, Myra’s cousin, witnesses this betrayal but stays quiet.

Myra's family's dedication to absurdity soldiers on with auntie Babbs' flamboyant outfit and addiction to her own reflection, cool aunt Jodie's groupie past and new bible belt boyfriend and a couple cousins with open DCF cases. An emotional confession of lost love from Carlos keeps the men enthralled while Scarlett and Myra provide comic relief with their cousinly antics. Scarlett has some scornful words for her father, Vinny, when challenged on her “educated” opinion, revealing a lack of morality to the room. The kids spend their time outside, throwing a football and talking about what kid's talk about; terrible parents. Amadeaus loses the contest of having the most terrible mom voiced in unison from the other kids. When the two Tina’s arrive, hair big and jeans tight, conversations get heated, especially when Rosemary, Tina #2’s 90 year old mother wields brazen wisdom, and vapes the edge off “being alive.” .

Dinner discussion turns to a battle when Jodie's boyfriend Brad learns of Carlos' (Father Benedict's) carnal appetites. The family defends Carlos and Brad makes the mistake of forcing Carlos to defend himself. Brad's judgement is no match for Carlos' wit. A text from Percival alerts Myra to Carlos' betrayal and Scarlett immediately sells him out. Myra and Carlos argue outside. Ania, a nurse and a friend, calls and interrupts the fight, telling Myra that Percival has been in a bad car accident. Myra speeds to the hospital and is sent to a room where a doctor and a team of nurses try but fail to save the patient’s life. Devastated, she walks to the hospital exit, sees Percival in the reflection of the doors, turns around in shock, and there stands Percival, bruised but alive. The dyslexic nurse sent her to the wrong room.

Myra brings Percival to her grandmothers and walks into a spontaneous dance party where everyone is "feeling good" from wine and joints, rolled in papers with pictures of the catholic saints printed on them. Drunk on love, Percival proposes and Myra says yes. Amadeus and Carlos share a concerned look. Amadeus gives Percival a challenging look directly in the eyes as he walks past him, to go out the door. Unnoticed by Myra, Carlos voices concern, but Myra has no trepidation, she states clearly and with sanguine that although it has just been her and Amadeus for 16 years, that this change will be positive because “3” is her lucky number.

The characters in this script range from 12 years old to 90 years old and are the driving force of the story, in the vein of Home for the Holidays (1995), Peter’s Friends (1992) and The Breakfast Club (1985). There are numerous characters over the age of 55, both male and female. The majority of the story takes place in one location: Gram’s House. The characters are diverse in culture, income, ethnicity and ideas. Which is the true core of the American Family.


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