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By Nicholo Cocuzza

GENRE: Action, Drama


“The Price You Pay”


Ron Simpson is a multi billionaire, one the top 8 richest in the world, who also has some of the best security in the world, trouble is, sometimes there's better... He is kidnapped and held for ransom. Seal team vs. Seal team, he gains his freedom, but not before almost losing his teenage son and possibly 2 billion dollars.


Ron’s Daughter, Jennifer, (26) is marrying in less than two weeks, and running a conglomerate is taxing his nerves.. so he decides to take a few days off to re-charge’ his security team that they are leaving for his Yacht in the morning. With him is his Son, Jason (17)

A Lear jet takes off in the sunrise. From an aerial shot, we see an abandoned shed close to the shore in the Bahamas, we can also see an amphibious, DDU “SUB-SEA” that looks like speedboat anchored to shore.

Ron and Jason coming exit his private jet. The two seal guards men follow Ron from behind, carrying his luggage. They get inside a car that was already waiting for them at the airport.

We see Ron chilling at the bow of the luxurious yacht, he gets up, leaves his stuff in the chair, and goes inside the yacht. As Ron goes inside, the two seal bodyguards go to the deck and start circling the yacht in opposite directions. Everything seems quiet, peaceful.

As the kidnappers, “The Unit”, board the Yacht in complete silence, the Simpson’s bodyguards, Brian and Phillip captured, bounded, gagged, and unconscious. The team closes the doors and slowly walk towards Ron's room maintaining perfect silence, using only hand gestures to communicate.

Ron Simpson and his son are captured and transported to the SUB-SEA.

The kidnappers set up shop on a remote island near Abacos, It’s a small abandoned house with just 3 rooms.

As word goes out that Ron has been kidnapped, Jenny assembles a team of negotiators headed by Colonel Jack "Mac" McIntyre (59) who runs a "high wealth individual" security outfit. He summons DR. MATHEW Liu, He is a scientist, computer genius, and ex-CIA terrorist analyst.

A ransom of 1 Billion Crypto in Bitcoin is demanded every 24 hours for the release of the Ron And Jason.

Dr Lui and his team realizes that locating chip in bedded in Ron’s arm has been compromised. He goes about entering new data which he has developed that can locate a person through electromagnetic fields around one’s body. Using this new technology he has discovered the location of Ron Ron’s location. He’s on a secluded island around Abacos. The “Mac” team and the Unit have been in constant communication. Sometimes very tense and threatening. They don’t have much time to find Ron and his Son. A rescue team of 4 former Navy Seals has been assembled the next day in the Bahamas… Mac and Dr. Lou fly out to the Bahamas that evening to meet them. Within the next 12 hours plans are set to invade the island. The rescue crew set out, as they approach the house, a firefight breaks out, Jason tries to escape and is shot. He is carried by the men onto the mission boat as the rescue team abandons the mission. Jason is treated for the bullet to his arm.

It’s all very tense, and then word goes out to the Unit that the Crypto will be transferred to their wallet within two hours. It’s close to 11 PM. Mac informs the Unit that the Crypto has been sent. The kidnappers check to see the wallet shows 30,000 Bitcoin has been deposited. A bit over 2 BILLION dollars. They have succeeded. They abandoned the Island by boat and head to a larger ship, leaving Ron behind, but free. In moments he will be rescued. The Unit is celebrating aboard the Yacht.

Mac now wants his glory… He informs the Unit to check their wallet notebook screen.. they see the cryptocurrency they actually transferred was a fake Shitcoin with no value. The go berserk. Mac and Dr. Lui embrace in total glee. Ron re-unites with Jason embracing-crying… END

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