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By Craige Cronin

GENRE: Drama, Comedy

Dramedy. A charismatic Tahitian sailor anchors his old ketch off Lord Howe Island where a science conference is underway. Inspired, this amusing radical formulates a plan for a new democracy and a way to convert to it. He believes we can outlaw fossil fuels, stop global warming, and bring lasting peace to humanity (which he playfully dubs ‘huchimps). Eventually he installs and heads the new democracy in New Zealand. But as climate change intensifies and global war threatens, events reach critical mass when he and the American President are apparently assassinated. (8 part Series plus Novel).


We have an angel on each shoulder. On the one we have the warlike, patriarchal common chimp, and on the other we have the matriarchal, gentle and sexy bonobo. As disaster hurtles our way in the form of global warming, we, the only truly adaptable chimp, need to decide which chimp it is better to be - “Hurry Huchimp Be Bonobo Like”

Kahoom Mahunga is a natural rebel and philosopher. He plies a living out of supplying Pacific Islanders with goods they cannot otherwise acquire, and he does so by sailing an old, beaten up ketch. He is married to three women simultaneously and they are also married to other men. All of the marriages he enters into are for genuine reasons, similar to the polyamorous movement in Western nations now. His most compelling interests, however, are global affairs and what he sees as a virtual death sentence ahead for humanity.

He happens to drop into Lord Howe Island, not his usual route, and meets an Australian woman whom he is strongly attracted to. Coincidentally a scientific

conference on Artificial Photosynthesis, Energy, Nanochemistry & Governance is underway on the island and Kahoom attends. He has an epiphany, finally seeing how he can help save the world from itself by inventing a new form of participatory government. Moreso, how he can effectively and peacefully convert present democracies to the new system.

While dropping off one of his current wives in Auckland, so that she can visit with one of her husbands, Kahoom answers an advertisement to pitch a reality TV show to a NZ TV network. His pitch is accepted and he is to host the show. Superficially it is a gardening show, but turns out to be much more than that. The show becomes a major hit and eventually sells internationally.

As this is happening Kahoom begins to give TED talks on his concept for a new democracy and he becomes a much sought after speaker. This is tied to the release of his book which has become a global best seller.

As we progress through the decades and global warming increases, the world teeters on war, mainly due to a refugee crisis involving billions. During this time Kahoom is elected ‘Prime Leader’ in New Zealand of his new system of government. A republican American president, however, pressured by his own domestic problems, decides it is time to shut Kahoom down.

It becomes apparent to Kahoom that he will be assassinated. The US President visits him and they cruise out to open waters to ‘have a talk’. Kahoom is given a choice. Either close down his system or the US will close down his country.

But Kahoom has other ideas.

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