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By Craige Cronin

GENRE: Drama, Comedy

A former adult movie star gives her empty life meaning by making the dreams of
others come true, but as a forbidden love reveals, dreams can also be nightmares.


Estelle was saved from a drug addict's death by an old, bear-of-a-man detective - Max. She had been a successful porn star - fame, the world at her feet, men paying a small fortune for a night with her - but always one thing was missing - a reason for being.

Max not only saved her, but inspired her. She realized he was someone who instinctively knew who he was, what he wanted from life, something she had never understood about herself. Although saddened by her inability, she secretly decides her life can be about finding those with a dream, and helping them make it come true.

One such person is Bobby, one of life's more spectacular losers. He is a would-be

filmmaker who dreams of one day producing and directing a successful Western. As Max is not all that sexually satisfying, Bobby is also useful as a plaything, and being an ex-porn star Estelle does not see helping herself to Bobby as ungrateful or contradictory.

Max's world is very different from Estelle's. Along with three other closely bonded

detectives he daily walks a life-and-death tight-rope and is not only at ease in his chosen environment, but master of it. Although not forgetting which side they are on, he and his men do not see the law as black and white, but rather as many shades of grey.

Max in particular has a dark side that Estelle is unaware of. Years back, when his wife left him, he crossed the line. He was party to the rape and murder of a young girl, barely 10 years old. Under horrendous circumstances that girl's 12 year old brother, Lou, escaped their captors, and mistaking Max as a savior, put him in the position of having to kill the other rapists. Max emerged a hero, and Lou later became Max's protégé, virtually his adopted son.

Now, ironically, Lou is one of the three detectives Max runs with. It is this supposed deep bond between Max and Lou which cements their tight-knit unit, but only Max knows the falsity of this illusion and is haunted by the specter of his once demented self. He lives in dread of that inner demon.

Using the market opportunity of new technology, Estelle formulates a plan to finance Bobby's film through product placement - that, plus a cooperative contract. In the middle of these masterful manipulations, however, she finds there is a part of her environment she cannot control - her growing attraction to Lou.

Without either of them knowing it, Lou and Estelle are headed for collision with Max. His nightmare of losing his woman’s love, and thereby himself, is reborn. Forced to flee, Lou also comes to understand Max's true role in the rape and murder of his sister.


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Tasha Lewis

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