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By Craige Cronin

GENRE: Romance, Drama

A (male) US President falls in love with a (female) Australian Prime Minister as war with North Korea looms.


Set in the near future. For political reasons a US President is forced to tolerate his unfaithful wife. During an emergency conference at Camp David, he realizes he is falling in love with the widowed Australian Prime Minister. Faced with a global disaster in the form of war with North Korea, he finds inspiration for a peaceful solution via his new love, and receives a big, unexpected surprise.

Jedidiah (Jed) Roxborough is a unique kind of US President. A man with a

great sense of fun with those close to him, and a brilliant common touch which

allows him to communicate on all levels. Jed is widely liked, but he carries an

unhappy secret. His marriage is a sham, a political convenience only, and

privately he is a lonely man.

Crisis arises on the Korean peninsula. Given the US government’s involvement in the region over many years, the thought of yet another bloody war is abhorrent. Aside from nuclear weapons, inspectors are also aware that North Korea has advanced biological weapons and ‘dirty bombs’ which threaten the safety of the entire free world.

Given the threat, the President decides to first meet with his closest allies of

the previous Gulf Wars - the UK and Australian Prime Ministers.

A man of liberal, ‘green’ values, Jed finds a kindred spirit in the widowed

Australian Prime Minister, Bernadette (Bernie) Rice. Over the course of a

three day conference at Camp David the two get to know each other and

realize that despite their attempts to resist falling in love, nature has other


But a terrible crisis ensues, and the two leaders are thrust together into a

situation where hard decisions have to be made. Although being strongly

urged to wipe out his enemy, the President instead listens to Bernie’s kinder

counsel, and a terrible mistake is averted and strong lessons are learnt. With

a unique twist, the immediate threat is also revealed to be no threat at all.

At fade out, that this couple will find a way to cement their love in the future is

highly probable.


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