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By Zoe Miller

GENRE: Animation

The TailLords, a revered lineage of noble galactic warriors, visit earth to embark on their journey of becoming protectors of the galaxy. 


In a distant dimension, on a planet called Tailinia there exists a unique family of alien superheroes known as the Tailors. Descendants of the legendary TailLords, they possess extraordinary powers that are intrinsically linked to their long tails. Although they may appear as a single entity, the Tailors are, in fact, two distinct beings .they share a symbiotic relationship with their tails. Centuries ago, the ancestors of the Tailors, the TailLords, recognized that one being alone could not properly wield their immense powers. In order to ensure the responsible use of these abilities, they shared the responsibility with their tails. The Tailors have come to earth to train to become galactic protectors. To their dismay earth has undergone a tragic event. They jump into action and realize the only way to prevent this catastrophic event is to go back in time and stop it before it occurs.

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