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By Steven Gamella

GENRE: Sci-fi

A soldier’s one-night stand gets ridiculously out of hand as his illegitimate son grows up to become an Evil Emperor.


Our story begins with Uehara, a war hero newly exiled from the vaunted Defender Order, the protectors of the United Human Republic, landing in a new city on a new planet after a massive battle with a relentless enemy, the Old Sunangel Empire. The city is decorated beautifully for the Summer’s End Festival, an end of summer celebration of drinking, revelry, and inebriation, which, at this particular festival, is capped off by a dark ritual involving marriage, sex, and the conception of a Sun-Child, a being of radiant power that will remake the galaxy in his image. It is at this festival that Uehara meets the Festival Maiden, a sinister, yet attractive blonde named Alianthi with an affinity for alternative, Gothic styles who shares the same views on the galaxy as he does, and they quickly connect.

Alianthi reveals the true purpose of why she has started talking to Uehara…she chooses him to be her partner for the ritual, because she has witnessed his heroics on the battlefield from afar. As Alianthi and Uehara continue to delve into each other’s histories and personalities while they spend the festival together, they realize that their fates are deeply intertwined. Their personalities complement each other well, and they both share a dream where no person need suffer unnecessarily again. Alianthi’s inner demons are assuaged by Uehara’s strong persona and dominant leadership ability, and, for Uehara, Alianthi is the missing piece in his life for which he has searched the entire galaxy until that moment. A former member of the vaunted Defender Order, the protectors of the galaxy, Uehara is expelled from the Order and goes rogue, after he becomes disgusted with the Order’s arrogance and refusal at first to involve themselves in the Old Sunangel Wars. Uehara leads his supporters against the Sunangels anyway and founds the Lightbringer Order as a shadow organization to the Defenders; as the light of the Defenders grows, so too does the Lightbringer shadow, until the final culmination of their efforts: the ascension of the Man against Time, and the destruction of the corrupt Old Order. Uehara believes, initially, that the Defender Order would give his life meaning. It does not. Alianthi, however, appears as the future in Uehara’s eyes.

Uehara and Alianthi see the corruption in the government and feel the pain and suffering of the commonfolk, the neglect and belittling of returning combat veterans from the war and their families, and the cover-up of depraved acts by individual politicians; child abuse, exploitation, and other evil acts that rot society to its core. Uehara, the rage in his heart consuming him and encouraged by Alianthi, takes it upon himself to rid the Local Group of all of its human garbage, to create a world where no worthy person need suffer again.

The reality of the war and the presence of the enemy prevents Uehara from staying with Alianthi for more than one night, but Uehara’s life is truly changed by this one fateful night at the end of summer. He knows what he must do, and he knows how it needs to be done. For the one he loves, he will do great and terrible things. He will burn hostile villages to the ground, conquer worlds, slaughter legions of enemies, and wage a series of wars that will shake society’s foundation to its core.

The ritual is consummated later that night, and Uehara makes a summer promise to Alianthi, that he will one day return for her after the war, even if he has to burn the galaxy to the ground to do it. Uehara, with Alianthi’s dark temptations consuming his light into darkness, embarks on a campaign of conquest once he is reunited with his son, the Sun-Child, Iori Nomato. His genocidal campaign against those he considers evil, and his effort to return to Alianthi unleashes a reign of terror across the Local Group, until he is betrayed by the one closest to him: his own illegitimate son, all grown up and with ambitions to build an Empire, one that will last for a million generations. Imprisoned within an ancient computer system called the Architect Domain, Uehara never forgets Alianthi, and bides his time, within the Domain, where he waits to be awakened once again…

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