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Mr. Kay, a forlorn surgeon with a strong passion for the arts, finds comfort in an unusual therapist named Eve, a strange creature that lives in the dying interdimensional realm of White Space.
Since childhood, Mr. Kay has dreamed of pursuing a vivid career as a comic book writer and illustrator. Even with his incredible passion, he fears poverty, causing him to instead pursue a scientific career and become a world-class surgeon. His abandonment of his talent has triggered a strong depression, and Mr. Kay's unstable emotional energy allows for a portal to White Space, an interdimensional realm, to open. Mr. Kay eventually rouses the courage to enter White Space, and he meets Eve, a caring creature with a heart for humanity.
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I finished reading it completely. I could see your clear understanding of the craft and the somewhat incomprehensible visuals in it. What you have done is far more than what I have done so far, and I know the time and efforts it takes. I'm yet to write a feature script. But I found the screenplay to be much centred on the graphics side, much of which is complex to understand while reading, but that's a good part of your imagination. When we talk about the plot, it is unable to meet the par. I also found few literary mistakes, but I admire your precise usage of vocabulary. I feel that non-linearity should be used only when it's necessary, and adds to the plot value or if it makes a considerable difference in the screenplay. If we talk about Hollywood blockbusters, they would keep much of it as a back story infusing some core scenes, especially action scenes or the ones with high graphics content making it last up to 10, 15 minutes discontinuously across the 2 hours long film. But you have done this much of detailed work just in the beginning, and writing a fantasy is hard, because we can't infuse the knowledge or information we research upon while making a fantasy, it's absolute imagination and sheer creativity. So I applaud your work. If you just think about writing few more drafts and making some changes or adding some plot value, it can get better. It's got a huge potential. Thank you for letting me have a read! Best wishes!!!
Divyam Jha Thank you so much for the read! What specific elements /scenes would you recommend I make edits to to make the plot better? Do you recommend spreading the flashforwards out? Is that what you mean by "infusing"?
Divyam Jha Or do you mean I should add all the flashforwards to the ending? :)
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Yeah, I was emphasising on the second one. The use of flash forwards should be minimised in my opinion and the screenplay should stick to the linear style except the flashbacks, especially of that Russian boy, through whom, the back story of the White Space is being revealed.
And, you can add some more foreshadowing about the "pordoga" (sorry if I mispelled it) to make it thrilling. And you can add a few scenes revealing how the existence of Creature Blu, Pordoga and Igris balances White Space. The screenplay feels like it has just begun, and feels like the pilot episode of a 4-part web series. It's difficult for me to imagine many parts of the screenplay, and even how White Space actually is - white/transparent. However, visual possibilities are scattered largely across the whole script. It's the world you created, so you hold its sovereignty. And I have no right to lead it, it's only you.
And I suggest you to give a thought to turning the whole of "THE BLU AGE" into a web series after making some changes wherever and however you feel right. That's it.
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