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By Donald Bulgin

GENRE: Comedy

Individuals and misfits from diverse socially stratified backgrounds find a common goal in the Animal Liberation Army, they become liberated anarchists that get their point across with belligerent attacks worldwide and become public enemy number one in conjunction with awe and inspiration alike.


Beleaguered and vulnerable due to the untimely demise of their pets, they are gravitated towards the Animal Liberation army, which provides solace and surreptitious brainwashing into anarchy and wanton violence. From office worker, misfit, business tycoon they see a metamorphosis into assassins, killers under the guise of liberation for the rights of animals. Action with a comedy twist and emotional fervor which provides a tear wrenching audience with intense bouts of laughter and humor.

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Django Van Den Busken

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Django Van Den Busken

I think it's still very unclear what the animal liberation army is exactly, is it something like Greenpeace who actively fight for animal rights, does it have nothing to do with animals at all? While you should try to keep it short, try to pull your audience into your concept.

Tasha Lewis

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