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When the world faces an inevitable crisis with starvation reaching unprecedented levels in undeveloped countries, a lone charismatic Red Cross doctor hires a group of mercenaries to hold a country hostage in an attempt to force governments worldwide to address this humanitarian disaster.
The world has come to an unavoidable crisis. Men, Women and Children are dying of disease, starvation, and the cruelty of the countries in which they thought they would find refuge. Every day thousands of people try to enter the USA, Australia and Europe. It’s an endless and painful task for the army and coastguard to stop these refugees and send them back. The larger nations ignore the situation and endless meetings and paperwork result in nothing.
A red cross worker, Kazamain, respected by the authorities and loved by his flock, can no longer watch the suffering and he puts together a plan to save his people. He approaches 3 countries with the largest population of refugees and asks for their sponsorship. He offers the suggestion that they take over a whole country, using trained mercenaries, keeping their own involvement hidden. A country big enough and unprotected enough for this operation to succeed. Vast, and populated by only 24.5 million people, Australia is the perfect choice.
He himself will take all responsibility for the operation and while the recruiting of the mercenaries takes place the key people will know only his name as sponsor and executor. The cost of the operation is enormous, but not when measured against the billions of dollars spent trying to solve the refugee crisis. The countries agree.
Colonel Kutuzof, ex KGB and a mercenary with the knowledge necessary for the operation, is recruited first and picks up 150 men. He sends a team to prepare the ground, with the instruction to start as many bush fires as possible to keep all government forces occupied, allowing the mercenaries to enter Australia.
New York Herald news reporter Cara Wilson is sent to Australia to do a cover story on the fires; a not uncommon occurrence in Australia, but this year there are more than usual. She plans at the same time to visit her past love, David Barker, a promising politician considered to be a sure candidate for future Prime Minister - or President. When she arrives she is amazed at the number and statewide spread of the fires and follows up a hunch that they are part of something else.
Colonel Kutuzof’s men undertake their various routes into Australia and begin the operation, taking over key army bases and Parliament House.
The Colonel bases himself in an inner Sydney harbour suburb, the site of Sydney’s main naval base, and from there controls the country; threatening the Prime Minister and his staff that he will explode bombs already placed in the major cities, starting with Sydney, if they warn the rest of the world.
There are no ransom demands and the hostages have no clear idea of the reason for the takeover. Kazamain boards one of the vessels loaded with refugees and heads to Australia. When Cara can’t contact David Barker she becomes even more suspicious. When she gets too close in her investigations she is kidnapped and joins the other hostages.
As the refugee boats approach Australia they are seen by an American research plane and the information is transmitted back to the USA. Warships are sent from the US, England and Europe to try and stop them, but are too late. The boats reach Port Headland and the refugees disembark. Kazamain is escorted to the nearest base and there he asks for a film crew. Present with other hostages and seizing the opportunity, Cara introduces herself. He speaks to the world, stating that the coup is his and asking for the US and other forces to stay away from Australia until a compromise is reached and tragedy averted.
The UN is called together for an emergency meeting and the Prime Minister of Australia is allowed to conference in private via satellite. A compromise is reached. The refugees will be allowed to stay in the centre of Australia and all countries and cultures involved will contribute to build and support a township for the thousands of homeless.
A treaty is signed outlining the right of displaced persons to migrate. The treaty destroys David Barker’s political and personal platform. When Kazamain walks out of the conference, he shoots and kills him. The film ends 10 years in the future; the voice of Cara reporting on the anniversary of Kazamian’s death, walking through the thriving township in the outback where the concept of human migration was reinstated.
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