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By Frank Baruch

GENRE: Fantasy, Adventure

Following the abrupt deaths of his wife and stillborn son, a sullied ranger embarks on an epic quest with a disgraced half spawn mage, an Amazonian huntress and an ogrish hell spawn to recover an ancient tome of resurrection.


Tournament of Argos: Crimson Tome is a grounded fantasy adventure in the same caliber of Lord of the Rings and The Odyssey. Originally penned as an adaptation to J.R.R Tolkien’s Silmarillion, it instead uses his groundwork as a means to craft an original mythos going so deep as to explain the creation of the universe, the propagation of the gods, the earth and its various inhabitants. All the while taking this original mythos and telling a heartfelt story of undaunting love, unbridled war and personal sacrifice.


Prologue: Tournament of Argos

In the realm of Argos two brothers, Kelvar and Renn, fight a perpetual tournament against one another for the hand of the fair maiden Laurelin. Though evenly matched, Kelvar manages to slay his brother Renn. Through Kelvar’s tears and Renn’s blood is born the universe. Kelvar and Laurelin sire 5 children. Three sons, Paledros, Nimloth and Fenrar. And two daughters. Sheloth and Valyria. Known as the children of Argos, they propagate earth (Maia) with the elements to sustain life. In his lust for dominion Fenrar grows petulant and with the blood of Renn he creates the first beings to inhabit Maia. The hell spawn. But Fenrar keeps them hidden from his father’s knowledge lest he face Kelvar’s reprisal. In time Kelvar gifts Valyria his tears and she propagates the land with animals and creatures of all sorts, including the race of man.

Chapter 1. The Crimson Tome

An exhausted ranger Belintroth returns to his hometown of Reindi from the siege of Peletonia. He is provided a decent homecoming as friends and neighbors pester him. Belintroth returns home to his pregnant wife Lillin and they share in their affection. Lillin and Belintroth are thrown a baby shower at the tavern and we get some exposition on the siege of Peletonia as well as a little bit of foreshadowing in the form of a bad dream. One day while working the fields Belintroth is called to his wife’s aide. She’s having labor complications. A half spawn mage Ozligar tries to remedy the situation as an agitated Belintroth is escorted outside.

Despite Ozligar’s best attempts he’s unable save Belintroth’s still born son. The couple is devastated. They bury their child and Belintroth confides in drink. In a state of delirium, Lillin commits suicide by ingesting a poisonous mushroom. In Belintroth’s grief and disillusionment, he readies to cast himself off the cliffs of Reindi into the sea of Paledros. But he remembers a poem passed down by the bards of the Crimson Tome and its power of resurrection. How Fenrar was cast down from the realm of Argos and stripped of his godhood. And how through Fenrar’s propagation of a human like variant of hell spawn, the magic wielding half spawn were created. He sets off on a quest, along with the remorseful Ozligar, to steal the Crimson Tome. Ozligar explains his philosophical conundrum.

Chapter 2: Valley of Ederast

Belintroth and Ozligar eavesdrop on a Peletonian raiding party before they are clumsily discovered. We are treated to a display of Belintroth’s swordsmanship as he is forced to dispatch of the raiders. Ozligar is almost killed in the process but instead saved by an Amazonian huntress and friend of Belintroth’s, Andolin. Andolin is brought up to speed on Belintroth’s situation and she agrees to join their cause.

Chapter 3: Lake of Malice

Bordering the Lake of Malice is the seedy harbor city of Valenus where an archery tournament is taking place. Despite her proficiency with a bow, Andolin is forced to stand idly by as Belintroth partakes in the tourney. With Andolin’s bow, Belintroth comes out victorious. Their prize, a swift trek across the lake in a vessel of their choice. Ozligar explains the history of the Lake of Malice and how through a great battle between the demi-god Fenrar (now Daedalic) his hell spawn and the race of man, the lake was formed. Their sea vessel is suddenly attacked by a giant lake spider, but they are saved by one of Ozligar’s incantations which summons a kraken that consumes the spider.

Chapter 4: Valyria’s Veil

From the sea vessel and onto Fendrig’s Landing, our trio continues into the vast forest known as Valyria’s Veil where they encounter a party of bandits. This time they are torturing two hell spawn captives. By causing a diversion Belintroth and his companions manage to free the captives and bring them to safety. One of the hell spawn captives, Qulig, knows of a way around the pass of Eldermarwe through the mountaintops.

Chapter 5: The Void of Eldermarwe

A desolate system of ancient caverns and passages once claimed by the sons of Eldermarwe in fierce combat. Ozligar explains to our companions the colorful history and frightening secrets buried in time, including an unknown entity. They embark upon Daedalic’s old stomping grounds and are caught off guard by a group of hell spawn. The grotesque entity from the void of Eldermarwe attacks both clans and they are forced to retreat. With Andolin’s skills in archery she manages to wound the horrific creature, buying them enough time to escape.

Chapter 6: Fenrar’s Domain

Andolin and Qulig continue their ongoing conversation about the nature of the hell spawn. Further into Fenrar’s domain the biomes ominously split the landscape between volcanic range and icy tundra. Belintroth and his clan are captured by the army of one of the last surviving sons of Eldermarwe. With one common goal they join forces. Belintroth, his clan and the Eldermarwen army take the fight to Daedalic’s hideout, aptly named the fortress of Renn. Through intense combat Belintroth and his clan manage to charge behind enemy lines straight into the fortress. Despite many close calls they valiantly fight their way up to Daedalic’s sanctum.

Chapter 7: Woe of Daedalic

Belintroth demands that Daedalic hand over the crimson tome. Before shattering it into four pieces, Daedalic comes to explain how he once had a wife and a child. A flashback reveals he once lived a simple life before inadvertently introducing the concepts of war and greed to mankind. Daedalic is uncovered and forced to reveal his true form, ultimately killing his wife. He raises his son in his fashion, but the boy accidentally ingests of a poisonous mushroom. Daedalic creates the tome in hopes of resurrecting his son, but when Daedalic was made a demi-god his soul was cast from his body. Without a soul to transfer his son ultimately perished and the tome was rendered worthless.

Enraged in his decision to shatter the tome, Belintroth, Qulig and Andolin have an epic battle with Daedalic. Ozligar haphazardly collects the remnants of the tome. Daedalic almost gets the drop on Belintroth before Qulig encumbers him, providing Belintroth and his clan enough time to escape.

Chapter 8: Heart of Quliq

Captured and tortured at the hands of Daedalic, in full sight of his comrades, Qulig screams for mercy. Andolin readies to end his misery with her bow, but she hesitates. She reverts back to their earlier conversation and finds the strength in his words before nocking an arrow, pulling to the maximum and releasing one straight into Qulig’s heart. A mercy killing. Qulig succumbs to his injuries. Belintroth, Andolin and Ozligar make the long journey home from Fenrar’s domain through the pass of Eldermarwe, past Valyria’s Veil and back across the lake of Malice.

Chapter 9: The Half Spawn Conundrum

Our trio returns to the town of Reindi just in the nick of time. Belintroth’s wife still clings to the realm of Maia. Belintroth offers his soul in turn for Lillin’s until Ozligar becomes weak and faint. Ozligar reveals the source of his ineffectual magic, his wasting sickness. With not long to live, Ozligar offers his soul in turn for Lillin in a heart wrenching scene of self-sacrifice. Ozligar mouths off the tome and succumbs to the intonation. Lillin awakens from her eternal slumber, to the delight and sadness of Belintroth. Through Ozligar’s sacrifice they are given a second chance.

Chapter 10: Belinor. Son of Belintroth

Many years pass. Belintroth and Lillin become king and queen of Reindi and manage to sire a son Belinor. At the behest of an old friend, Belintroth reluctantly sends his son into battle to vanquish Daedalic once and for all. Belinor amasses a sizeable army from the Valley of Ederast to the Lake of Malice, including old familiar faces like Andolin. Andolin helps secure passage across the lake as they amass an even large force beyond the pass of Eldermarwe.

Belinor and his massive army push through the domain of Fenrar and straight to the fortress of Renn. Daedalic and his hell spawn put up a valiant fight, but they are no match for the enormous army. Daedalic surrenders to Belinor and is imprisoned for good.

Belinor returns home a hero to the love of his mother and warmth of his father. Time passes and Belintroth is on his deathbed surrounded by all of his surviving loved ones. Belintroth dies peacefully from old age and his soul departs into the realm of Argos where he finally greets his first son in the afterlife.

Nathaniel Baker

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Constantin Weber

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Constantin Weber

Great synopsis and promising logline! I can even imagine this as a limited series on a streamer.

Nate Rymer

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