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By B.P. Julian

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Historical
LOGLINE: Christopher Marlowe, the Elizabethan poet and spy who’s entangled in dangerous intrigues, escapes with his life by changing his identity to become the world's greatest writer – William Shakespeare.


"By Any Other Name ... " is about two of the world’s greatest writers, one whose name lives in infamy, William Shakespeare, and the other is obscurity, Christopher Marlowe. Many believe these men were rivals but this story tells a different tail of these two men’s greatest love. "By Any Other Name …" is about Christopher Marlowe, the writer and poet, who was supposed to have died in 1593, just as Shakespeare appeared in London. It tells how he was recruited at Cambridge to be a Secret Agent for the Queen, and sent on dangerous mission throughout Warwickshire. It tells how during one of these missions, he met the young man, Will Shakspere, and they became very close and intimate friends, and how Marlowe begged Will to leave his family and come with him to London. These were dangerous times. Those who plotted Elizabeth's demise, like the Pope and Philip of Spain, and their agents, specifically a Jesuit named Sebastian, fought all who stood in their way. The Queen's agents like Marlowe and those around them quickly became marked men. Through a series of events, Shakspere is killed by Sebastian. The death of Shakspere sends Marlowe on a rampage throughout the Low-Country of the Netherlands in search of Sebastian, where he gains the reputation of scoundrel and rogue. Finally, Marlowe returns to England, where he's recruited, again, but this time for a Greater cause. Those who know his writings believe him to be the “Voice of a New Age”. Men like Edward De Vere and Francis Bacon, who have spent their lives writing, recognized Marlowe's work as having a presence no other had achieved. Marlowe is asked to be that “Voice”., but because of his scandalous reputation, he allowed the person of Christopher Marlowe to be killed, and he took the identity of the only man whose name he would allow to be placed on his work – William Shakespeare


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