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By Carol Lee Hall

GENRE: Crime, Drama, Family, Historical, Mystery

Mordecai, a spy for King Xerxes I and secretly Jewish, must expose a conspiracy and embrace his roots to save his king, his queen, his race, the woman he loves, and himself from certain death.


Genre: Biblical Epic/Spy Mystery

Description: 300 meets James Bond meets Esther. A spy story starring Mordecai interwoven with the Biblical story of Esther.

Takeaway: How much do you let the world see the real you?

Synopsis: A crow flies over the walls of the ancient city of Susa, capital of the Persian Empire. Red rays of the setting sun illumine the Great Seal of the Empire emblazoned on the gates.That evening, MORDECAI, 35, steals into KING XERXES I’s , 40, palace and hides in an alcove. He observes the king’s WINE STEWARD wearing unusual silver gloves discuss a purple stone vial of poison with the king’s FOOD TASTER.

In a banquet hall, King Xerxes, QUEEN ESTHER, 20, Mordecai’s cousin, and HAMAN, 30, Xerxes’ advisor and Mordecai’s childhood nemesis, make merry. Mordecai, disguised as a servant, foils the plot to serve the king poisoned wine. The wine steward and food taster are executed. Xerxes promises Mordecai a reward, but Haman tells Mordecai he will receive nothing.

In his modest home, Mordecai’s housekeeper, MIRIAM, 60, chides him about his clandestine spy business and keeping his Jewish race a secret. “When are you going to let the world know the real you?” she asks.Mordecai and his beloved LAILA, 25, who doesn’t know his secrets, become betrothed and Mordecai retires from the spy business.

In Xerxes’ bedroom, the king’s CHAMBERLAIN stabs Xerxes with an ornate Chinese knife, but the king kills him. On the chamberlain’s body is a turquoise bag of Chinese coins. Xerxes pulls Mordecai back into his covert service. Mordecai must find out who is behind this second attempt and if it is related to the first. His only clues are the silver gloves, the knife and the bag of coins.

Xerxes promotes Haman to Prime Minister and commands all to bow before him. Haman stands in a chariot as it makes its way toward the gates. Waves of people bow. Mordecai collects taxes at the gate as a cover for his spy job. When Haman approaches, Mordecai continues to click his abacus adding up the day’s proceeds. Haman seethes.

Haman arrives at his mansion and plots how to punish Mordecai and “all his kind.” A longstanding feud between the Jews and Haman’s people is revealed. In the throne room, Haman tricks King Xerxes into signing a death warrant on all Jews and those married to Jews.

Mordecai feels he is to blame for the impending slaughter of his fellow Jews. Queen Esther implores him to help organize the people to pray before she appears before the king unbidden to plead for her people. "But I need to find the conspirator. No use praying if the king is dead."

At home, Mordecai vacillates between fasting and praying and going out to spy on a suspect that evening. He decides to stay home and pray. But the next day, he finds out the suspect was murdered during the night.

At the tax collector’s table. Haman commands a soldier to rip off the bottom of Mordecai’s robe, exposing Mordecai’s “Jewishness”. Laila witnesses the shameful act and is shocked to find out the truth. Mordecai is forced to break off the betrothal to his beloved because all those married to Jews are under the death sentence as well.

Mordecai visits LAILA’S FATHER, a banker, to return the betrothal money. The father wears a pair of silver gloves just like the wine steward’s. An exact duplicate of the Chinese knife hangs on a wall above an empty knife-shaped space.

Mordecai attends a government meeting disguised as a scribe. Esther appears and requests the king and Haman attend a banquet. They accept. Mordecai, disguised as a musician, performs at the banquet. Esther asks Xerxes and Haman to a second banquet. Haman leaves and dons a pair of silver gloves just like the wine steward’s and Laila’s father’s.

That evening, Mordecai visits a MILLENER and asks about the silver gloves. Only three pairs exist in the empire. She sold one to Laila’s father and two to Haman. Mordecai buys a ridiculous hat to thank her for the information. She puts the hat in a bag.

Mordecai visits the wine steward’s home and retrieves the steward’s silver gloves. But his family members do not know where they came from. He then visits the chamberlain’s home. He finds out that Haman had given the chamberlain Chinese money.

Mordecai secretly visits Laila at her home to ask about the missing knife on the wall. “It was stolen.” Mordecai gives his housekeeper, Miriam, a secret message for Esther. But Haman captures Miriam and throws her in a dungeon. Because she will not cooperate, Haman kills her.

After midnight, Haman constructs a huge gallows in front of his house to hang Mordecai at dawn. He rushes to the palace to ask the king’s permission.

Mordecai realizes the gallows is for him. He hurries to gather the gloves, knife, and moneybag of Chinese coins, throws them in the hat bag, and takes off for the palace.

Haman’s carriage enters the palace gate. Mordecai takes a shortcut to the palace wall and climbs to the king’s bedchamber two stories up.

The king wakes from a bad dream. The government records are read to him. He learns Mordecai was never rewarded for saving his life when the king drank poisoned wine. Haman bursts into the room. “I saw the light on.”

Mordecai hops off the windowsill. “What a grand entrance,” the king says, then laughs. “Haman, what should be done for the man the king wishes to honor?” Haman spouts off a ridiculous honor scenario. “Spendid! Do this for Mordecai!” Xerxes commands. “Haman, tend to it personally.”

At the palace stables, Haman throws a purple royal robe around Mordecai and helps him onto a royal steed. Mordecai makes him wear the ridiculous hat as Haman leads Mordecai on the horse through the streets of Susa chanting, “This is what is done to the man the king wishes to honor.” Everyone laughs at Haman. At home, Haman is humiliated in front of his friends. He takes along a small purple stone vial of poison to the queen’s banquet.

Mordecai is again disguised as the musician. Esther reveals to the king that Haman is trying to kill her because she is a Jew. Enraged, the king goes out for air, commanding the GUARDS to watch Haman. Mordecai shows Xerxes evidence that Haman is also the conspirator trying to kill the king. Alarmed, they both return to the banquet hall.

Haman pulls out the vial of poison and holds it to Esther’s lips. “Now!” Haman shouts. He pushes Esther into Mordecai’s arms and runs to the door. The guards who were guarding Haman turn on the king as traitors. Xerxes and Mordecai fight off the guards and subdue them.

Mordecai tackles Haman and they struggle. Mordecai knocks him out. The king orders Haman to be hung on the gallows Haman had prepared for Mordecai and promotes Mordecai to Prime Minister.

With his new position, Mordecai asks the king to write a decree giving the Jews the right to defend themselves against any who would do them harm. Messengers speed out of the palace. With the threat of death gone, Mordecai marries his beloved Laila.

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