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By Michael Elliott

GENRE: Action, Adventure

A disillusioned Vietnam combat vet defies the FBI to help a notorious antiwar activist escape to Canada. "The Fugitive" meets "The Deer Hunter".


n 1968 America suffered through a national nervous breakdown. It was the height of the Vietnam War, the anti-war movement and the divisions they spawned. Swept up in the madness were 5 lifelong friends. Chief among them are Mike Lyons, a decorated Marine combat veteran and Roger Pitt, a passionate ant-war leader wanted by the FBI. Roger emerges from hiding attempting to secretly attend the funeral of another mutual friend, Paul Battle; victim of a bad LSD trip. The funeral serves as a reunion with Mike plus friends Billy, George and Jeff. Despite their surface philosophical differences, Mike and Roger renew their friendship because they understand each is, in their own way, an outcast. Despite his best efforts, Roger’s reappearance is discovered by the FBI. A team, headed by agent Frank Bonner, descend on Annapolis, MD to arrest him. For agent Bonner, this assignment is highly personal. His only son, Corey, was killed in Vietnam. His first stop is Mike, assuming that a Marine would happily help apprehend a “traitor”. Mike, disillusioned by his combat experiences, not only refuses to help but decides he’ll help Roger flee to Canada. The others, fearing the wrath of the FBI, want no part of Mike’s plan. Angered at Mike’s rebuff, Bonner commits a strategic blunder. He attempts to extract information from Billy, George and Jeff through a campaign of intimidation. Not only does this fail, it unites them behind Mike and Roger. With nerve, derring-do and some luck, they smuggle Roger out of Annapolis. A brief stopover in New York City almost turns into a disaster as they barely escape a FBI trap. What follows is an all-out race to the border with Bonner and the FBI close behind. The story reaches a thrilling conclusion in small Vermont border village as Mike Lyons and Frank Bonner engage in a lethal one-on-one showdown.


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Michael Elliott

Tasha...thank you. I appreciate your rating. It's very encouraging.

Nate Rymer

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Jenean McBrearty

Two lifelong friends, a Vietnam-combat-shattered Marine and an anti-war activist wanted by the FBI join forces and flee to Canada pursued by an vengeful FBI agent. (Question: why does the Marine flee with his friend? In the synopsis, you say, he's disillusioned and decides to go with his friend. It doesn't sound like much of a motive to go against the law, and risk prison or death, especially because you say it's Lyons and the FBI having the concluding shoot-out. What's the source of the animosity of FBI with Lyons? His non-co-operation? I think it has to be deeper than that. They were both in love with the same woman? Lyons has the hots for alpha male Mike? FBI son dying in Vietnam...but he would be acquainted with PTSD and would realize Mike is screwed up. Just food for thought.)

Gen Vardo

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