In 1990, an emotionally vulnerable teenager gets mysteriously transported to 1967 San Francisco. He joins the Army and volunteers for Vietnam to find the Father he never knew. SPYGATE meets PLATOON.
Mike, you might consider getting rid of gets and writing it as one sentence. Just a suggestion: In 1990, an emotionally vulnerable teenager mysteriously transports to 1967 San Francisco, where he volunteers for Vietnam to find the Father he never knew. SPYGATE meets PLATOON.
Anthony...I like your first correction....the second one not so much. Within the context of the story, emotionally vulnerable works better (he's turning 18 but never knew his real father, who died in Vietnam).
He died when the kid was 18mo old. Mom remarried and he didn't find out about his biological father until he was 10. So, for the next 8 years he created a mythology about his father.
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Mike, you might consider getting rid of gets and writing it as one sentence. Just a suggestion: In 1990, an emotionally vulnerable teenager mysteriously transports to 1967 San Francisco, where he volunteers for Vietnam to find the Father he never knew. SPYGATE meets PLATOON.
And Mike, would "troubled teen" work instead of "emotionally vulnerable teenager"? I don't know the story, so just asking.
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Anthony...I like your first correction....the second one not so much. Within the context of the story, emotionally vulnerable works better (he's turning 18 but never knew his real father, who died in Vietnam).
Yeah, I figured the father died in Nam. Did he die before his son was born, while in the womb? Great idea!
He died when the kid was 18mo old. Mom remarried and he didn't find out about his biological father until he was 10. So, for the next 8 years he created a mythology about his father.