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By Frank Shank

GENRE: Comedy

A guy on an LSD trip sees a mentally disabled greeter at Wal-Mart actually makes sense and so decides to kidnap him only to find out an alien invasion is about to take place.  And only the retarded retraded know the details.


A guy on an LSD trip goes to the local Wal-Mart. While there he notices the usually retarded door greeter is actually making sense and talking about the end of the world. He decides to kidnap the door greeter and take him back to his place to talk to his roommate who knows more about conspiracies and is also tripping balls. Once at home, they both interrogate the retarded who tells them about aliens coming to invade earth and leave only the retards. So the guys begin to investigate and realize that they can only talk to the retards on LSD, but the entire time the humans have been retarded to the facts of the invasion to come. Can they stop the aliens, save the retards and humans at the same time?

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