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A tale about 3 couples and how their lives come together through cheating. How the ifs and buts of a situation may change the end result. This trilogy carries over to the man who works for the devil and how it will lead to a war against heaven and the eventual end of the world.
A story of 3 couples and how all their lives come together through adultery. The first couple, a bank president and his wife get into a fight that takes him to the hospital to mess around with the physical therapist and her with a lawyer, who in turn are a couple. The final couple is a teacher and drug dealer who has an injury and leads him to the same scheming physical therapist. It’s time that people realize how much cheating really hurts everyone and how they must actually not just be forgiven but punished with death. Also a twist on the story as we try to piece it together is if one event could alter their paths but will it be for better or worse?