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A small neurological clinic desperate for money receives a grant to test VR
Goggles that trigger an elderly Alzheimer’s patient’s memories of gruesome murders
he committed as a younger man. Now, he’s
back in business.
Russell was a decorated war hero, loving father, long haul trucker and (unknown to anyone else) murderer. Now, Russell is a sympathetic old man with Alzheimer’s. The financially struggling clinic caring for him receives a much needed grant to test the first ever virtual-reality approach for the treatment of Alzheimer’s. The test goggles trigger VR-stylized graphic recreations of each of Russell’s murders in his mind.
Young, compassionate Alzheimer’s social worker Jenny is excited to be assigned as Russell’s observer- caretaker during the test. His memory improved, Russell kills two patients. When Jenny shares suspicions that Russell might have done it with clinic owner Heather, a lesbian clinical neurologist, she’s fired. Heather can’t afford to lose the grant money. About-to-retire detective Walter Cronin takes Jenny more seriously. They team up to put the pieces of Russell’s past together and discover the truth
The final step of the clinical trial requires Russell to be observed in an open social setting. Heather and her quirky, lovable wife Cora take him out to dinner. After dinner Russell and Cora take Murphy, a lazy, obese pit bull for a walk (actually a drag) on the beach. The striking resemblance Cora has to Russell’s first victim, a high school crush, triggers an urge to kill her. Jenny and Cronin rush to the scene hoping to arrive in time to prevent Russell from creating one last horrific homicidal memory.
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