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A socially phobic young lawyer whose brilliant, hidden, carefully guarded self only emerges under the influence of copious doses of vodka and an assortment of drugs, becomes embroiled in an impossible, destructive relationship with a similarly disturbed, internationally famous model, and faces a choice, whether to live long in boring sobriety or live fast in the blissful ether.
When Randall Simmons is invited to his law school roommate’s engagement dinner and shows up at the restaurant, only to find out that the dinner has been canceled and he wasn’t notified, he does what Randall always does. He accepts the restaurant owner’s invitation to enjoy a free drink at the bar, one spine-tingling martini leading to another, and another, until he sits immobile on his stool in his rented tuxedo, having become oddly articulate and charming on his favorite magic juice. Only to be noticed by the supermodel, Randi Bach, who spots him from her seat among her own party of dazzling friends and her own fiancé, who is currently embarrassing her as is his annoying custom.
Randi heads to the bar where she meets the now well-lubricated and brilliantly glib Randall and the bond of these two lost and wandering souls, no matter how obviously mismatched according to the norms regulating dweebs and goddesses, takes hold—not necessarily for the good of either.
What happens when socially-phobic lawyer Randall—a closet genius and pornographic poet—is ripped from his protective shell by Randi—the beautiful, volatile, sexually insatiable super-model?
Does wanting = Love? Does being wanted = Love? Does getting it prove you deserve it? Does giving it up prove you’re worth it? Does it matter... if it blows your mind?
Is a glorious life on an eternal high better—however short it may be—than a boring life in the shadows, hidden away but safe and sound? Do you choose sobriety and safety, or the ether?
And, in the end, what happens if you chose the ether... and the ether doesn’t work?
THE TOAST is a film about something everyone knows, the fear that they’ll find out who we really are.
THE TOAST may ignite your guilty imagination... and it may break your heart.
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