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By Dep Kirkland

GENRE: Drama

A powerful New York City lawyer suffers a crisis of conscience following a series of tragedies and strives to turn the city’s attention on the weak and suffering.


In New York City JOHN, a prominent lawyer recently elected President of the Bar Association is interviewed by a reporter about his fundraising work for a hospital’s children’s wing. John is humble and plays it cool, heading out after the interview and meeting his model wife, JENNA. They talk briefly and then go to the luxurious home of John’s father, BILL, another powerful attorney. Bill offers a toast to his son but there is clearly tension between the two, John disapproving of his father’s lacking morality. As the drinks start to flow remarks are made and John is particularly sensitive about the death of his sister, Juliette, whose birthday is that very day. John and Bill eventually argue and John storms out. Jenna tries to reel him back in, but John has had enough and goes out for a quiet drink.

At a local bar, he meets SARAH, a talented news producer looking for a story. She talks with John and it’s clear she has her own issues in life and wants to have faith. She is looking for a sign and feels drawn to John. John heads home later but Jenna is nowhere to be found. She is back at Bill’s having sex with one of Bill’s firm’s partners, BRIAN. The next morning, she plays it cool but John knows something is wrong. They agree to meet up later at the dinner where Bill will introduce John as the new president of the Bar Association.

When John arrives at his office, he is hit by one wave of bad news after another. First, he learns a homeless man he encountered the day before was murdered by two teens. Then he discovers that his driver and friend was shot and killed following a road rage incident. Last, Jenna arrives saddened to tell John that Bill is dead. He stayed up all night with drugs and a hooker and had a heart attack.

John reels from the news and takes off, trying to contact Sarah to talk it out. They touch base briefly, but John is still left wandering the city. He tries to stay away from the Bar Association dinner, but Jenna applies pressure to get him there, anxious to ensure their wealthy future together. John is introduced but his speech takes a surprising turn and he goes off on the greed and hypocrisy in the city, even targeting men of the cloth who are false prophets. Many in attendance are bothered by the speech and Jenna storms off but John is relentless and carries his message to the street as well. He talks with strangers and disregards his former life completely.

Jenna tries to have him declared insane and he is ordered to talk with a judge who then demands he speak with a psychiatrist. The doctors are moved by John and locals on the street claim his touch is healing. Several people with conditions claim he saved them. Words spreads and Sarah spends more time with John, explaining how important he is to the world and that he must continue to spread the word.

John is unsure but eventually sees the light and decides to find Sarah to tell her he understands. However, as he races after her he ends up saving a child from being hit by a car but takes the damage in return and later dies. The city is thrown by his sudden arrival and surprising departure and the citizens bicker endlessly about his importance.

Many don’t believe and dismiss John as a crazy person but for others, he represents a message to lead a better life and to help others. Sarah sets about carrying on John’s work, as the story ends with a random comment to Sarah from a mysterious old woman exiting a subway car, “Maybe God had a daughter.”

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