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By Bryan Thomas Neal

GENRE: Horror, Comedy

A pregnant wannabe cop and her ex-boyfriend must defend Abbot Kinney Blvd from a living glob of THC during a jam-packed marijuana festival.


April 20, 2024, Venice, CA - Stoners and hipsters pack commercial Abbot Kinney Blvd with bud and food trucks to boast the trendiest cannabis festival the world has ever known. And the Cure-All Dispensary supplies the goods. Meanwhile, on the residential side, Sawyer Franklin Stein's homemade experiment goes awry when he extracts THC's highest concentration into a glob of wax. It pulses, glows, and lives! The Dab's pungent odor travels down the boulevard to a nearby house party and into the nostrils of straight-edge millennials Ansen and Kai. Ansen's a wannabe cop, and Kai's an out-of-work massage therapist. Neither like crowds. Earlier this morning, Ansen broke up with Kai after she discovered she was pregnant. Stunned by the break-up, Kai doesn't know yet.

Bold Ansen and cautious Kai follow the odor's trail until they collide with Reagan, Sawyer's neighbor. During a struggle, the Dab latched onto Reagan's hand, and the ex-couple must rush him to "the green cross" for emergency medical attention. At the Cure-All Dispensary, the couple loses control of the creature when it devours the dispensary staff. Throughout the night, The Dab grows as it extracts THC from the festival patrons and evacuates their bodies in Venice's sewage system. Yet it evades the ex-couple, their buddies, the authorities, and the crowd until it grows large enough for a frontal assault. The evening's events forced straight-edge outsiders Kai and Ansen, with their best buddies Poe and Byron, to step out from Venice's shadows and into the limelight to rally the community.

The Dab encases the Veganese Diner, with Ansen and Kai trapped inside, where he sprays tanks of cold nitrogen gas at it to defend her. Just outside, their intellectual buddy Poe recognizes the symbolic parallels between a pregnant 'Goliath' Venice and his tiny pregnant best friend. Poe gets high distracting the weed-hungry monster and sacrificing himself, while brawny Byron drives a liquid nitrogen truck into it, which crystallizes the Dab on impact. But as the festival calms and the crowd clears, the Dab's sapling strikes with a rapid, erratic vengeance. Ansen recons the vicious super humanoid sapling, then combines and leads a diminished unit of straight-edgers and stoners to cut it down with DIY bong-cleaning ingredients: salt, alcohol, and rice.


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