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A young mother is separated from her husband and forced to board an alien ship with her children, and the last of humanity, in order to avoid extinction on a journey to a new planet.
"Interstellar," meets "Little Women." In this well-contained, low-budget sci-fi story, Allie has boarded an alien space ship with her children. It is humanity's last chance at survival. The population is already down to fifteen-thousand people, and Earth is dying fast.
Allie must live in a tiny cubicle-type dwelling with her two daughters as they wait for her husband to return with his military crew. But during lift-off communication is broken away, and he is MIA. The ship has no windows and the alien race that have come to save humanity are hive-minded. They do not understand individuality or crime.
When Allie's food and water is stolen, her children go without. When the ride gets bumpy, they have no knowledge of why. Then Her daughter befriend's the alien pilot's young son and everything gets more complicated with language barriers and culture shock.
Just when Allie can't take it anymore, a volitile alien race, unlike the ones who are helping humans, attacks the ship. The ride to the new planet is so emotional that claustrophobia, paranoia, and the pressure of assimilation test her throughout the long journey.
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