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Donna gets a phone call from the prison where her ex husband is at for sexually assaulting her daughter telling her that he is out on parole. Fearing for her and her daughters lives she packs up what she can and they leave and go North. Her ex husband gets to her apartment and not finding her there. Searches for where she went. Finding an address book with her sisters address he goes over to a neighbors house and kills the parents and kidnap the teenage daughter and rapes her before taking the owners car. Meanwhile Donna and her daughter Sandy had a little car trouble and is picked up by a man called Axel Kutch, looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Gives them a ride to Malcasa Point just a few miles away dropping them at a motel. Where she calls her sister to let her know they are safe and where they are at. Rob the ex husband gets to her sisters place and tortures her into telling him where Donna is. Donna and Sandy are at a diner at the motel where they meet up with a guy named Larry who is a survivor of a beast attack when he was a boy. And Jud an mercenary hired by Larry to find and kill the beast if it exists. They get to be friends with Jud and Donna having a romantic relationship as time goes by. They all take a tour of the Beast House tourist attraction and see what it’s about. The owner Maggie Kutch, a elderly bitter woman guides the tour.Each room had a mannequin dressed and bloodied to look like an attack and murder. Rob is getting closer and kills several more people on his way to Malcasa Point. He eventually gets to the same motel that Donna is staying, breaks into a cabin after kidnapping the owners teenage daughter who has the keys. Ties her up and the kidnapped girl and sits by the window and watches for Donna. Larry and Jud goes into the house late at night and searches for signs of any beast. Finding a journal and hearing sounds of heavy grunts behind a locked door,they head back to the motel. Donna and Jud have sex before reading the journal telling about the previous owner discovering the Beast she named Xanadu. Describe the beast as albino,humanoid and hairless wolf like. Rob arrives at the cabin and gets in and thinking he has the upper hand tries to kill Donna but Jud gets the drop on him and knocks him out,ties him up and goes to get Sandy and Larry at the other cabin. Jud makes a plan to use Rob as bait to lure the beast out and kill it. They all 5 go to the house with Rob still tied up. The girls stay in the car while the guys head into the house,tie up Rob to a railing and lie in wait. Not long after a heavy grunting and breathe is heard heading towards Rob, he screams and is killed by the Beast. Jud shoots the Beast and kills it. Larry and Jud go around the house checking doors checking for any others. They come across Maggie having sex with several Beasts. Jud shoots several of them killing them while Maggie is screaming obscenities. The guys leave and Maggie takes a knife and kills Jud catching him off guard. More Beast come out of a door and kills Larry. Donna hearing gunshot goes into the house after telling Sandy to stay in the car. Sandy doesn’t and goes into the house behind her mother. They are both captured by Maggie and put in the cellar. A couple of months go by and we see Donna with the beginning of her pregnancy by a Beast.
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