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By Nicolas Tung

GENRE: Sci-fi, Fantasy

A group of survivors tries to establish a new life on Earth following a disastrous event that left the planet in eternal winters while drifting away into deep space


A proof of concept science fiction trilogy that presents the Earth being ejected out of the solar system, completely unbeknownst to its inhabitants by a passing star known as Gliese 710. In the distant future, in order to renew the Earth’s capacity for environmental damages caused by human actions, governments around the world created a program that dictates that every 50 years, all inhabitants of Earth must enter cryosleep for 2 centuries before waking up and resuming the ecological destruction of the Earth. Our protagonist will be going through her first cryosleep experience and hopes to wake up in 200 years to start a new life. All cryosleep vaults are controlled by a central computer that dictates the time, however, in this cycle, a bug has invaded the system undetected and has changed the cryosleep timer from 200 years to 1.3 million years, as Gliese 710 enters the solar system.

Nate Rymer

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