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By Ana R. Dominick

GENRE: Family, Adventure

A wily 8-year-old girl and a grizzly fisherman team up on an epic odyssey across the world to find her Mama in Australia while being hunted by an obsessive Social Services Agent hellbent on bagging the girl first. PAPER MOON on steroids!


After her Grandpa and sole guardian dies perusing Playboys, a lonely 8-year-old girl named BOOMERANG runs away from her shithole Mojave town in search of her long-lost mother in Australia. She stowsaway on the boat of a grizzly, kid-hating fisherman; STANLEY.

The pair are hunted cross-country by an obsessive Social Services Agent, SIG, who will stop at nothing to retrieve the girl, with troubling secrets of her own (END TWIST REVEAL).

Boom and Stanley’s rocky beginning gradually becomes a heartfelt journey for the oddball pair. Their budding friendship is the heart of this unique, whimsical adventure.

Their wild roadtrip is carried by the remarkable, colorful characters they encounter, from a bespectacled aboriginal kangaroo hunter to a corgi-obsessed motormouth trucker, across an action-packed ocean and desert odyssey; featuring a high-speed train and camel chase, a hammerhead shark in a hurricane, and a helicopter in a sandstorm.

The climax bursts with emotion, with Boom unable to accept the truth of her mother (SIG IN A TWIST REVEAL), and instead wanting to accept Stanley as her found family. BOOMERANG THE GREAT executes a fun ride through Australia within the eyes of a lonely child who just wants her family.

It follows in the vein of such popular child/adult buddy tales as HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE, HUCK FINN, PAPER MOON, or a family-friendly LOGAN -- with the power to deeply move global audiences.

~If INDIANA JONES was an 8-year-old girl in search of her Mama (instead of an ancient artifact) at the far corner of the world...~

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