Post your loglines. Get and give feedback.

By Toneice Evans

GENRE: Romance

A successful architectural engineer, who suffers from Crohn’s disease, yearns for love but questions if her love will come only as a burden.

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Toneice Evans. I like the concept and this sounds like a movie I would watch, but I think the logline needs some things added (mainly the character's goal).

For a logline, you want something like: "After ______ (something happens/the inciting incident), a _______ (the protagonist with an adjective) tries to _______ (goal of story) so ________ (stakes)."

Loglines can be one or two sentences. You can add the antagonist/source of conflict in the logline. The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline.

Example #1:

"After a group of dog criminals arrives in a small town, an impulsive dog sheriff defends a dog treat factory so they won't steal food that's meant for hungry dog families."

Example #2:

"A dysfunctional couple works together to survive against bears after they crash on an abandoned road miles from help."

Hope this helps.

Toneice Evans

Thanks for the feedback!

Tasha Lewis

Rated this logline

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Toneice Evans.

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