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A homeless man discovers a wallet that refills with money every day, but acts selfishly with it.
Wilson is a homeless man, walking the streets and searching through bins for food. One day he finds a wallet in the bin with £100 inside. He takes the money, but something compels him to keep the wallet. After spending all the money on food and new clothes, he is shocked to discover the wallet has refilled when a mugger confronts him.
Everyday the wallet refills with £100 and Wilson turns his life around getting himself a place to live and filling it with possessions. When approached by a homeless man asking for change, Wilson refuses to give him any, pushing him to the ground. He continues to live lavishly, eating at fancy restaurants and buying himself an expensive car.
He is visited by a man asking for donations toward the local homeless shelter. Funds are low and it is at risk of closure, but not even this is enough to persuade Wilson to part with his money for someone else. The next day Wilson discovers the wallet has not refilled and his life starts to fall apart around him, his car is stolen and he no longer has any money to pay rent.
Back on the streets with not a penny to his name, he is back begging for money. He can no longer go to the homeless shelter that has now closed down. He checks the wallet one last time, but it's still empty and so throws it away. The homeless man whom he rejected before finds the wallet and opens it to discover £100 inside.
Wilson sits in a shop doorway trying to keep warm. A man passes by and he calls out for some change. The man stops and removes his wallet from his pocket. Wilson recognises the wallet as the man takes money from it and gives it to him. As the man walks off, Wilson hangs his head in shame.