Capella University

Capella University

Capella University

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At least 32 Stage 32 members have attended Capella University:
Mark Komula

Mark Komula

Director, Editor and Screenwriter from Tampa, Florida
Vernon White

Vernon White

Editor, Post-Production Coordinator and Producer from Pearland, Texas
Donald Norris, Jr.

Donald Norris, Jr.

Actor, Music Composer and Screenwriter from Gastonia, North Carolina
Art Lynch

Art Lynch

Actor from Las Vegas, Nevada
Ken Lowrie

Ken Lowrie

Director, Director of Photography and Editor from San Antonio, Texas
Vernon White

Vernon White

Transmedia Producer from Angleton, Texas
Lynne Conte

Lynne Conte

Author, Editor and Manager from Daytona Beach, Florida
Karen Snyder

Karen Snyder

Transmedia Producer, Director and Screenwriter from Houston, Texas
Paula Kenion

Paula Kenion

Music Composer and Singer from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Brandi Lyneé Williams Acevedo

Brandi Lyneé Williams Acevedo

Actor, IT Tech and Voice Actor from Chicago, Illinois
David Bryant Perkins

David Bryant Perkins

Film/Theatre Journalist, Screenwriter and Sound Designer from Las Vegas, Nevada
Lorie Jackson

Lorie Jackson

Filmmaker, Producer and Screenwriter from Chicago, Illinois
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