Carleton College

Carleton College

Carleton College

Carleton College is a college located in Northfield, Minnesota.

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At least 8 Stage 32 members have attended Carleton College:
Demetrius J Bagley

Demetrius J Bagley

Producer from New York City, New York
Jonathan Lacocque

Jonathan Lacocque

Colorist, Editor and Post-Production Coordinator from Chicago, Illinois
Kristin Cotts

Kristin Cotts

Music Composer from Chicago, Illinois
Mark Knight

Mark Knight

Photographer (Still) from Torrance, California
Anne-Sophie Marie

Anne-Sophie Marie

Actor, Playwright and Screenwriter from London, England
Aubrey Thurman

Aubrey Thurman

Screenwriter, Songwriter and Musician from Fort Collins, Colorado
Christopher Dole

Christopher Dole

Audio Post-Production, Screenwriter and Producer from Hollywood, California
Lynn Garthwaite

Lynn Garthwaite

Screenwriter and Author from Bloomington, Minnesota
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