Dean College

Dean College

Dean College

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At least 18 Stage 32 members have attended Dean College:
Michael A. LoCicero

Michael A. LoCicero

Actor, Screenwriter and Producer from Lincoln, Rhode Island
Jake Waxman

Jake Waxman

Actor, Dancer and Screenwriter from Newton, Massachusetts
Colin Mackey

Colin Mackey

Comedian and Screenwriter from Boston, Massachusetts
Cord Grabarz

Cord Grabarz

Actor, Comedian and Stunt Performer from Brooklyn, New York
Lexxie Lawlor

Lexxie Lawlor

Actor from Newburgh, New York
Cindy Ried

Cindy Ried

Choreographer and Dancer from New York City, New York
Kyle W. Porter

Kyle W. Porter

Actor, Crew and Gaffer/Lighting Technician from Uxbridge, Massachusetts
Bernardo Brandt

Bernardo Brandt

Actor and Stunt Performer from Franklin, Massachusetts
Jason Morales

Jason Morales

Editor, Photographer (Still) and Cinematographer from Boston, Massachusetts
Christine Brito

Christine Brito

Actor and Singer from Los Angeles, California
Leilani Ricardo

Leilani Ricardo

Acting Teacher, Actor and Choreographer from Boston, Massachusetts
Emily Chrul

Emily Chrul

Manager from Providence, Rhode Island
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