Golden Gate University

Golden Gate University

Golden Gate University

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At least 12 Stage 32 members have attended Golden Gate University:
Larry Kitagawa

Larry Kitagawa

Actor from Daly City, California
Paul Sinasohn

Paul Sinasohn

Stage Manager, Voice Artist and Other from Oakland, California
Jimmy Lee West

Jimmy Lee West

Actor, Host/Presenter and Location Scout from Annapolis, Maryland
Scotty Cornfield

Scotty Cornfield

Screenwriter from Pleasanton, California
Mace Abdullah

Mace Abdullah

Accountant, Agent and Manager from Los Angeles City Center, Los Angeles County, California
Kevin Ward

Kevin Ward

Actor and Manager from San Francisco, California
Randy Peeler

Randy Peeler

Voice Artist, Actor and Audio Post-Production from Old Town, Florida
Michael Hager

Michael Hager

Musician, Playwright and Screenwriter from Fort Collins, Colorado
Eleni Larchanidou, Llm

Eleni Larchanidou, Llm

Producer, Manager and Filmmaker from Glendale, California
Clint Adams

Clint Adams

Screenwriter and Producer from Zephyr Cove, Nevada
Xavier DeJesus

Xavier DeJesus

Accountant, Accounting Clerk and Business Affairs Consultant from Kansas City, Missouri
Kelli A. White

Kelli A. White

Producer, Script Supervisor and Production Coordinator from Burlingame, California
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