Niagara University

Niagara University

Niagara University

Niagara University is a college located in Niagara Falls, New York.

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At least 10 Stage 32 members have attended Niagara University:
Patrick A Riviere

Patrick A Riviere

Actor, Performance Coach and Playwright from Provincetown, Massachusetts
Michael William Thompson

Michael William Thompson

Actor, Screenwriter and Voice Artist from Los Angeles, California
Cali Gilbert

Cali Gilbert

Photographer (Still), Author and Director from Santa Monica, California
Nicholas Santasier

Nicholas Santasier

Actor, Fight Director and Photographer (Still) from New York City, New York
Michael O'Hear

Michael O'Hear

Actor, Director and Photographer (Still) from Buffalo, New York
Joleene DesRosiers

Joleene DesRosiers

Screenwriter, Actor and Producer from Syracuse, New York
Richard Cole

Richard Cole

Actor from Toronto, Canada
Melanie Morgan

Melanie Morgan

Screenwriter and Student from Buffalo, New York
Alan Trinca

Alan Trinca

Actor, Voice Actor and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Jim Search

Jim Search

Comedian from Brooklyn, New York
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