Spelman College

Spelman College

Spelman College

Spelman College is a college located in Atlanta, Georgia.

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At least 15 Stage 32 members have attended Spelman College:
Monica Jacob

Monica Jacob

Director of Photography and Other from Neptune
Akima A. Brown

Akima A. Brown

Screenwriter and Producer from Atlanta, Georgia
Brandi Lyneé Williams Acevedo

Brandi Lyneé Williams Acevedo

Actor, IT Tech and Voice Actor from Chicago, Illinois
LyaNisha Gonzalez

LyaNisha Gonzalez

Acting Teacher, Actor and Playwright from Scotch Plains, New Jersey
Taji Coleman

Taji Coleman

Actor, Screenwriter and Voice Actor from Los Angeles, California
Matt Hewes

Matt Hewes

Director, Actor and Filmmaker from Torrance, California
Brittany B.Monét Fennell

Brittany B.Monét Fennell

Art Director, Assistant Editor and Assistant Production Office Coordinator from Los Angeles, California
Carol Ray

Carol Ray

Author and Screenwriter from Bristow, Virginia
Valjeanne Jeffers

Valjeanne Jeffers

Publisher from Durham, North Carolina
Ashley Jackson

Ashley Jackson

Actor, Screenwriter and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Albani Logan

Albani Logan

Screenwriter from Olathe, Kansas
Nicole Hodges Persley

Nicole Hodges Persley

Director, Performance Coach and Producer from Kansas City, Missouri
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