Universidad Anahuac

Universidad Anahuac

Universidad Anahuac

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At least 9 Stage 32 members have attended Universidad Anahuac:
Clemente Sánchez

Clemente Sánchez

Other from Mexico City, Mexico
Isaac Camacho

Isaac Camacho

Director, Art Director and Screenwriter from Mexico City, Mexico
Juan Carlos Roman Suarez

Juan Carlos Roman Suarez

Cinematographer, First Assistant Camera and Photographer (Still) from Mexico City, Mexico
Martin Jones

Martin Jones

Agent from Berlin, Germany
Luis Eduardo Archundia Ortiz

Luis Eduardo Archundia Ortiz

Business Affairs Consultant from Mexico City, Mexico
Andrea Chavez Ruiz

Andrea Chavez Ruiz

Assistant Production Office Coordinator, Production Assistant and Screenwriter from Villahermosa, Mexico
Alejandro Blazquez de Nicolas

Alejandro Blazquez de Nicolas

Director, Cinematographer and Producer from Mexico City, Mexico
Alain Phillips Yeroham

Alain Phillips Yeroham

Performance Coach, Business Affairs Consultant and Filmmaker from Vancouver, Canada
Ana Munive

Ana Munive

Screenwriter and Author from Vancouver, Canada
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