University of Mary

University of Mary

University of Mary

University of Mary is a college located in Bismarck, North Dakota.

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At least 100 Stage 32 members have attended University of Mary:
Dale G. Leopold

Dale G. Leopold

Actor, Musician and Screenwriter from Richmond, Virginia
Sally Connors

Sally Connors

Actor and Playwright from The Bronx, New York
Brad Widener

Brad Widener

Actor and Playwright from New York City, New York
Alicia Benjamin

Alicia Benjamin

Screenwriter, Director and Actor from Charlotte, North Carolina
Patty Sherman

Patty Sherman

Actor from Los Angeles, California
Ellentinya I. Dodd

Ellentinya I. Dodd

Actor from Charlotte, North Carolina
Katie Kopajtic

Katie Kopajtic

Actor from New York City, New York
Ali Daniels

Ali Daniels

Actor from New York City, New York
Liz Richardson

Liz Richardson

Comedian, Costume Designer and Crafty from Baltimore, Maryland
Fernando Gamarra

Fernando Gamarra

Actor from New York City, New York
Joseph E. "Duke" Miller

Joseph E. "Duke" Miller

Producer, Author and Creative Executive from Northridge, Los Angeles County, California
Alexis Slaybaugh Arenas

Alexis Slaybaugh Arenas

Makeup Artist and Special Effects Technician from Baltimore, Maryland
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